Chapter 8

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Evie was dressed in a long red dress with black spagetti straps. Her long hair was straightened and tied into a high poney tail. Her mother had helped her doing her makeup. Neigher Evie or Leah were very good at this. They never really felt the need to do makeup and as they were shifter now, they think it would just be useless. But it was a big day today. It was the D-day for Bella and Edward. It was their wedding day so Evie wanted to look good.

Not many shifters would attend the wedding. Well, in fact, almost none. Only Seth and Evie were going. Leah didn't want to mix up with their natural enemy and she didn't like Bella either so she thought it would make no sense to come. Sue and Billy were coming. Billy knew Bella since she was a child and Sue wanted to keep an eye on her children. But she also had a debt to the Cullen so she wanted to come.

Evie walked downstairs where her mother and brother were waiting for her. Leah was leaned again the railing of the stairs.

"Be careful there," Leah said.

"Don't worry, it's a just a wedding," Seth reassured.

"No, I mean, be careful and don't cause troubles. Especially you, Seth," Leah clarify making their mother and Evie chuckle.

"Oh, c'mon," Seth rolled his eyes.

"Come on, let's go," Evie laughed as she put her arm around her brother's shoulder as they walked out of the house.

"And don't get drunk!" They heard Leah shouted.

"We can't," the younger ones replied.


The three Clearwaters climbed inside the car and Sue drove to the Black Residence first to pick up Billy. Then, she drove everybody to the Cullens' house. On the way, the two teenagers were more than excited. It was the first time they would attend a wedding. They were looking forward to it. Besides, what was better was the fact that it was their friends who were getting married. It was just great. Evie just hoped he would be there on this day of celebration. But Evie quickly shook the thought away. It was nearly two month since he left. Evie was getting better and she should let him ruin this joyful day.

The way to the Cullen's place was quick funny. Seth kept asking questions about the imprinting. He hadn't talked to Sarah since the bond fire and he was quite stress to see her again. Before the bond fire, they hadn't really talked since middle school. So seeing her again and imprinting on her was quick of an event for Seth. After all, he was still young. So he didn't really knew how to behave. But Evie just told him to go slow. They have time to learn about each other and get close. They didn't have to start as lover immediately. It reassured Seth a bit. It was funny to Evue because Seth was usually so joyful and excited to be a shifter. But when he came to his feelings, he was so lost and confused that it was cute. Seth was so innocent. Evie hoped he would keep this childishness forever.

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