Chapter 12

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"Try this!" Alice joyfully said as she handed a haute couture and luxury dress to Evie.

The Clearwater girl stared at the expensive piece of cloth and carefully took it. She had never held such a high priced dress before nor something of this high quality. First because she hadn't the money. And second, because she still hadn't the money. It was in those moment Evie notice the difference the Cullens and hers, but she didn't mind. Actually, it was quite funny to her.

"I highly feel like I shouldn't be holding such an expensive dress," Evie said. "Why am I even here?" She panicked, making Rosalie laugh.

"Come on, it's okay," the blonde vampire smiled. "Just relax and have fun,"

"But what if I rip it? I don't have the money to repay it," Evie still panicked.

"Then don't rip it. Come on! Try it on!" Alice beamed and pushed her friend toward the changing rooms.

The Cullens, even though they never brag about it, were quite rich. Being a doctor, Carlisle already had a good month pay. But since they never use the kitchen nor the heater, they were saving a lot of money. So, naturally, they were financially good. Evie wasn't poor, far from that. But she surely couldn't afford luxury.

However, Rosalie was right. Evie needed to relax and just have fun. She needed that. That was why she agreed to come on this hang out with Alice and Rosalie. Evie's mood wasn't at its best lately. Since Jacob came back, she was easily irritable and even less patient. The thing was, Jacob's presence was stressing her out. It was still so strange to see him back. Even though she hated it, after two month of absence, Evie had gotten used to not see him around, no matter how hurtful it was. Now that he was back, she didn't know how to act not what to do. She was still mad at him, but at the same time, she wanted to be with him. But he left her. He broke his promise. For Bella again. Evie was done being the second choice. But she knew she couldn't resist the pull longer.

Having the dress on, Evie went out of the changing room. Alice gasped and happily clapped, amazed by her friends beauty.

"You. Are. Stunning!" The pixie beamed. "We're taking it! I'm paying!"

"What? No way!" Evie said.

"Oh, come on, please! Just let me offer it to you!" Alice whined.

"Thanks, Alice. Even though this dress is beautiful, it's too tight. Not really practical for a shifter," Evie reasoned.

"Right," Alice remembered. "But it's not a big deal!" She added, making both Evie and Rosalie chuckled.

"Besides," Alice continued. "A certain shifter might love seeing you in it,"

Evie scoffed. Jacob was the least of her worries now.

"How is it going with Jacob?" Rose asked.

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