Chapter 20

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On the way back to the Cullens, Evie debriefed Sarah and Aaron about the situation and Bella’s critical state. When Evie, Sarah and Aaron finally arrived at the Cullen's house, the others were all inside, in the living room. And the moment the shifters entered, everything fell quiet. They must have all been so caught up in their conversation that they hadn't noticed the two other scents. They were all gathered around Bella, maybe discussing her future.

"Sarah!" Seth exclaimed as he rushed and tackled her into a warm hug. No one couldn't hold their smiles seeing them. Seeing such a cute and childish love was refreshing in this situation.

"They left Sam and joined us," Evie informed, going to stand next to Jacob.

Aaron immediatly joined Leah's side. He passed his arm around her waist as she slightly leaned against him. Even if she wasn't showing that much of emotions, Evie knew her older sister was relieved to see her mate. She had no desire to fight him and now that he was with her, they could be together. It was a weight lifted from her shoulders.

"Thank you for your help. It means a lot," Carlisle said, grateful.

"No problem. It was the right thing to do," Sarah said.

"The odds are turning into our favor," Esmee smile.

Now that they were more, maybe they could stand a chance against Sam and his pack. Maybe having shifters on the Cullens' would make him reconsider. But Evie knew better than that. She knew it wouldn't be that easy, that she was just having false hopes. Only a miracle would stop the upcoming battle.

"What were you doing before we arrived?" Evie asked.

"Bella is getting weaker," Esmee answered. "We need to find a way to get some food into her system,"

Bella's bones were breaking. She was in such a bad state that Carlisle wasn't really confident in her survival. He actually thought that she wouldn't even make it until the birthing. But knowing Bella she was stubornly holding into hope. It was all she had left. She wanted to deliver that baby. But considering she couldn't even eat, it was hard to believe.

"If I could only see the fetus," Alice muttered, worried for her friends.

"The baby," Rosalie corrected.

Evie softly looked at Rosalie. It was hard to believe that a few months ago, she couldn't even handle the sight of Bella. But Rosalie had always wanted to be a mother. To have a family of her own with Emmett. And that was taken away from her when she became a vampire. Because female vampire can not conceive. So to her, Bella being pregnant of Edward, vampire, must be some sort of miracle. And without knowing it, Rosalie was projecting her old dream onto Bella. She wanted Bella to have what she couldn't have. If only Rosalie could have that too...

"Maybe I could figure out what it wants," Alice ended, ignoring her sister.

Evie observed Bella attentively. She was pale and more than skinny. She was weak and her heart rate slow. No food was getting into her system. She was hardly looking human. It was as if she was drained of her blood. Maybe it was that? After all, the baby was half.

"I think you might be right," Edward suddenly said, bringing Evie back to earth. The Clearwater looked at him but the vampire was already staring at her. "Evie just had an idea,"

Then all the eyes moved to the middle child of the Clearwater family. She felt quite embarrassed to have all eyes on her. It was just a guesse, an idea. They were all so desperate for a solution, she didn't want to give them false hopes.

"Well, it's just an hypothesis," Evie saidm

"What were you thinking?" Carlisle gently asked. He was always so kind and patient. It reassured Evie.

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