Thanks & Explanation of the meaning of the books

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Wow, I feel emotional now. I can't believe the True Feelings books are over now. But part of the journey is the end. I have flashbacks of the day I finished my Unexpected books lol.

Anyway, thank you so much for having read this book until the end. You don't know how much it means to me. I had so much fun writing it and even more fun reading your comments. Even though I don't reply to everyone, know that I read every one and each of your words.
It feels so strange to have put the final point to this story. This one and the Unexpected ones mean a lot to me. In the Unexpected books I wanted to depicts what people would do and how far they were willing to go for love. In the True Feelings books, it was more complexe. I felt like, in the movies, the shifters accepted pretty fast and easily the fact they were supernatural beings. I wanted to depicts a different image in my books. I wanted to show the struggles. In one hand, you have Seth who symbolizes the joy of being a shifter. And in the other hand, you have Evie and Jacob who symbolizes difficult coping in different ways. Their rocky relationship is the archetype of their struggles.

You have Evie who became a shifter out of nowhere. She had the worse year of her life and was unexpectedly brought to the supernatural world. But she's uprigth and wants to help people (that is why she wanted to become a lawyer). Duty to her means everything. So she would do anything to accomplish it. She pushed everything aside to accomplish her duty. A lot of people said Evie forgave them right after she found out about the pack. Some believed because she joined the pack, she forgave them. To me, it is way more complicated than that. She didn't forgave them right after. Evie stayed because she was bounded by duty. Just like Okoye stayed to serve Killmonger after he became King. Okoye's duty as a Dora Milaje was to serve whoever was on the throne. So she stayed. Evie's duty as a shifter is to protect Forks, no matter what. So she stayed. She gave up on University for her duty. Evie is bounded by duty to stay in La Push, this is the hard part of being a shifter and I wanted to show this in my books. Also, Evie joined them but it didn't mean she forgive them. Okoye served Killmonger but she did not support his actions. But she stayed nevertheless because it was her duty. Evie did the same. She was mad at them, she held a grudge against them, but she stayed nevertheless because it she had to. I feel like in the movies, they all accepted to stay in La Push without questioning. Through Evie, I wanted to show what shifters lose when they join the pack.

And then, on the other side, you have Jacob who was still holding onto the past. When he refused to be the Alpha, I felt like he still hadn't accepted the fact he was a shifter. I felt he still wanted to remain a normal teenagers away from duties and supernatural things. That is what I wanted to portay. His desire to still be human was shown in his so called love for Bella. He was not in love with her. He wasn't against her relationship with Edward because he loved her. He was against it because of her humanity. The same humanity he lost and that Bella herself was willing to lose. Bella represents the last remain of his human and normal life. Losing her meant losing this and completely accepting the fact he would never be normal again. But at the same time, he loved Evie and the bond he had with her couldn't be broken. Imprinting helped him realising his feelings for Evie. His heart wanted her but his brain was still struggling with his new life. And accepting the imprinting also meant fully accepting being a shifter. So his indecision, his doubts and struggles were shown through his behavior. He loved Evie and it was shown through his jealousy. But he wanted to keep a remain of his human life so he was chasing Bella. He finally accepted being a shifter when he realised his feelings for Evie. But the problematic of letting go of his past came back in the second book through his departure in hope to find a way for Bella to stay human while marrying Edward. Then you know what happened next and the misunderstanding situation.
There is also the theme of Tradition VS New expressed through the friendship of Evie and Edward.

These books have a deeper meaning that what it shows at first sight. It's not just a love story about two supernatural teenagers. It's a story about duty and dream, about tradition and new, about heart and head, about accepting who one is, about doubts and how complex love is, and how complex humans are (symbolized through Jacob). Maybe I put to much effort on it lol.

Anyway, thank you again for reading my books. A chapter ends but a new one will starts sooner or later. Thank you for the love you gave to these books. I'll be forever grateful to you. Thank you! I love you 3000!

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