Chapter 29

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   My eyes fluttered open as I stretched my muscles. Turning around I notice Dabi isn't here with me anymore, he probably got up before I did or maybe he had a mission. A little disappointed I get up to change and do my usual routine, adding a little extra concealer over my scars since I know I'll be headed back to the place I ran from just a couple months ago. Looking in the mirror I give myself a once over and sighed before turning to head to the barroom to meet Shigi.

   Walking out of my room I smelt breakfast being made, it made my mouth water as I picked up my pace down the hallway.
"Good morning." I chimed as I peered passed the edge of the hallway.

   Kurogiri looks up from the food he's making  and gives me a small nod. "Good morning ms. Y/N." He almost sounded cheerful as the yellow eyes of his squinted up.

   "Morning." Rasped Shigaraki lowly, he sounded a lot more sad than usual, maybe even a little angry. It's not unusual for him to throw fits, but it is unusual for him to be so calm when he was feeling emotional.

   The others were nowhere to be seen. No bouncy toga, no twice contradicting himself, the ever dramatic compress wasn't here, and neither was my love. Maybe Dabi would get back before I had to leave though. I could only cross my fingers and hope.

   Giri had just started to put the breakfast on plates as I took a seat at the bar. Shigi and I had full plates placed in front of us and then we began eating silently.

   He was never one to really talk. Always brooding and plotting, sometimes you could tell his thoughts took him to unpleasant places. Looking over, I knew it was the latter. I knew he hated what he had to tell me last night, and I know he hates it even more that I'm being forced to go back to UA. I'd have never thought that such a caring person would be hiding underneath that cranky 'I'll turn everything to dust' attitude of his.

   "Hey shigs, you know I'm going to be alright don't you?" I asked softly as I paused my meal.

  His head snapped to me, brows furrowed as he swallowed what was in his mouth before speaking. "And why exactly do you think I care enough to want to know that?" His arms crossed over his chest as his face bent in a scowl.

   I couldn't help but chuckle at his little act. I just gave him a smile and turned back to my meal. "Just thought I'd let you know." I said with a snicker before shoveling the food into my mouth.

   I heard a huff from beside me. It wasn't one of frustration though, it sounded more like a silent laugh. Eyeing him from the corner of my sight, I saw him crack a small smile as his shoulders noticeably relaxed. Happy with the outcome, I focused back on my meal.


   After the meal and a shower, Shigi and I had a sit down about what he needed from me on this little mission. Apparently it wasn't anything amazing, he just needed stuff on a few choice trainees and schedule information. He added that files on any pro heroes would be majorly appreciated as well.

   I got dressed in my usual clothes, I didn't have to wear a hoodie all the time anymore, but i guess it's turned into more of a security blanket now. And my nerves were running high right now as I slipped one of dabi's sweaters on.

   His signature smell mixed with the lingering scent of his favorite cologne invaded my nose. He still wasn't back and I had to leave in just a couple hours. I'd be back to living on campus until I finished things up here. I wouldn't get to see Dabi at all if he didn't show up soon.

   In the quiet silence, I sat down on the edge of my bed as my mind raced. What if I messed up and got caught? What if I fail? What's going to happen after all this if it's successful?

   He wants information on Bakugo, Izuku, Todoroki, and Kirishima. I vaguely knew Todoroki and Kirishima, but I did know them. I wonder how Dabi would feel if he knew all for one wanted information on his brother, for whatever reason. Hell, knowing they wanted information on my best friend made my stomach twist in unease. Was this the list of trainees that needed to be dealt with and I just wasn't being told outright?

   I feel tears pricking at my eyes as I remember the true purpose behind why I'm being sent back. I let myself cry for a bit and just feel my feelings. I cried for letting myself be tricked the way I was, the way everyone here was tricked. I cried for what I had to do and possibly putting my best friend in danger because I was selfish and took a deal without putting thought into it. I cried for not being able to see Dabi before I left for who knows how long. And then I took a breath, wiped my tears and rinsed my puffy face, and re-covered the small scars around it.


   I'm sitting in the living space of the LOV. Giri has given me my phone back, apparently everyone's number has been put in here in case something comes up and I need help. I couldn't help but send a text to Dabi as soon as it was in my hands. I asked how his day was, but that was a couple hours ago and I still haven't gotten a reply. He was probably busy with some kind of errand or mission, but I couldn't help the sadness that settled in my chest.

   The portal was open in front of me and I had held off as long as I could. Dabi never walked through that door, and it was time for me to go.  I took a deep breath as I stepped through.

   I came out in an alleyway, looking passed the edge, I could see the college was just a short walk across the street. I straightened my posture and steeled my mind as I took the first step towards the hell I'd ran from.

  I can do this... things will be ok...

Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon