Chapter 5

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What's that annoying sound? I go to stretch my arms, my yawn cut short as I Yelp at the unexpected sharp pressure on the top of my hand. My eyes snap open and reflexively squeeze shut as the blinding light triggers a splitting headache. I'm sore everywhere. I grip my forehead with the hand that didn't have the uncomfortable sensation before squinting my eyes open.

As my vision adjusted I realized I was in a white room, there was a small TV mounted in front of me. I look over, my eyes finally adjusted enough to stop squinting as I find the source of the incessant beeping.
A heart monitor?

I look down to see a mess of wires coming out of the gown I was in. My arms were bandaged completely, leaving a small area open on the top of my right hand where an IV was. Intense throbbing coming from both arms as I let the hand on my head slip down to my lap, taking everything in as I stared at the bandages.
I was in a hospital?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door at the end of the room clicked open. My eyes followed the sound to land on a familiar mess of green hair. His eyes trained on the foam cup in his hands before he looked towards me.

His eyes widened with surprise before he dashed to the side of the hospital bed, " Y-Y/N! You're finally awake!" His free arm flailing wildly at his side, " I-I don't know what to do with myself! I was so worried! I want to hug you but I can't, and the doctor sai-" his rambling was cut off as a giggle escaped my lips

Izuku's POV

A relieved smile spread across my face. She was alive and she was ok...
"Hey Izu? Could you maybe fill me in on why I woke up in a hospital?" Her E/C eyes were filled with confusion and apprehension.

I scratch the back of my neck, not quite sure where to start or what to say. "Y-yeah, they said you might be a little disoriented when you woke up. You've been unconscious for a few days now..." I pause, giving the H/C girl In front of me some time to take in that first bit of information.

The beeping on the monitor quickened a bit as she absorbed my words, her eyes squinting before widening and pursing her lips. She opened her mouth to say something, but snapped her mouth shut as the door clicked open revealing the doctor I'd gotten accustomed to seeing over the last few days.

He was a very compassionate man, with a kind demeanor. He obviously cared about the people in care, as his smile was genuine when he saw the now conscious girl sitting up in the bed.

Your POV

"Well, Miss L/N. It's good to see you finally awake," a small smile appeared, reaching his eyes. "Are you aware of why you're here?" He asked cautiously, looking through the papers on the clipboard in his hand.

My brows furrowed as I try to recall what i can. I remember sitting in the food court talking with Izu about worries in my relationship.
My relationship...

The beeping of the monitor sputtered erratically for a moment before quickening severely. My chest felt like it was about to explode, I couldn't catch my breath as the events that followed in the food court, and the following day replayed in my mind as if i were living through them again.

I hadn't noticed Izuku's voice until a gentle hand rested on my shoulder. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up to see his worried expression. I let out a shaky breath as i was slowly pulled back into the present. My heart rate and mind slowed as my best friend softly rubbed circles against my shoulder with his thumb.

After I calmed down the doctor told me I'd been out for a whole five days. There was a lot of damage and a lot of blood loss. He also told me how shocked he was when a ball of green sparks zipped into the emergency room lobby with me in his arms.

Apparently the other staffs' outlooks on my condition were pretty grim. I was in seriously critical condition when they rushed me back. Which is when Mr. Doctor guy in front of me used his quirk to stop further blood loss while they worked to patch things up enough to keep me stable as they waited for recovery girl. Since she was the nurse at my university, she was the first to know since they also needed a medical history.

After telling them the whole story, the doctor informed me that I'd have to stay for a mandatory 72 hours to monitor wether or not I was a threat to myself any longer. In which I would speak with a psychologist to get an idea of some kind of plan after I was discharged. Recovery girl would be in sometime too to finish healing me up since I was too weak to take care of everything all at once.

Shinso, Izuku's perpetually sleepy boyfriend, even came to visit after I was healed up. There were scars of course. Everywhere, but luckily nothing super noticeable on my face. I really wasn't thinking I'd survive. If I'd have thought that far ahead I would have at least avoided my face...

Izu had apparently told him about my secret quirk though. Since he was listening by my side as I told my story the day I woke up. Which is why the purple haired Shinso came to visit. Izuku had given me the most heartfelt apology. The same apology repeated a few dozen times before I finally got it through to him that I wasn't upset about him telling my business without my permission. It was only his boyfriend, and if he trusted him so did I.

Shinso had sat down beside Izu to explain that he knew how it felt to have everyone look at you like a villain, like a monster. After he told me his own story, I felt a little better. Having a quirk like brainwashing didn't sound easy, but it was nice to finally have someone I was able to relate with.

On the third day, I was discharged. I was given a referral to a therapist to follow up with and given the go ahead to get back to school at my when I felt I was ready. I also decided to take Izuku's offer to stay at his place. He now had a spare room since his roommate was now his lover.

I don't think I could face mom after all this anyways, she'd moved pretty far out of town since I started campus life at U.A.

The green and purple haired boys were even nice enough to get my things from Katsuki's place. Knowing I absolutely was not ready to face him yet. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt when I checked my phone and he hadn't even tried to see if I was ok. Not even a simple text.

Ouch, but it's probably for the best...

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