Chapter 9

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Dabi's POV

'That crusty ass man-child really got on my nerves and stayed there today' I thought to myself. 'Sometimes I wonder why I decided to team up with him and is little "League of villains". Such a hassle.' I heave an exhausted sigh as I internally vent.

Coming up to my door I notice something taped just above the handle. "The fuck?" I grumble as I rip it off, cocking an eyebrow as I examine the package. "Cookies?" I mumble under my breath.
Noticing a piece of paper that reads ' for: My Neighbor Guy :)' I roll my eyes and click my tongue. Still feeling the sting of anger my insecurity brought from yesterday as I walk into my home.

I toss the baggy of cookies onto the counter on my way to shower and change. Today was rough. I don't have any regrets in my life up to this point, but I was close with my choice to join this group of wannabe big shot villains.

Getting into the shower I relax into the hot water and just let it run down my tense body from my head. My mind begins to wander as I start to think about what exactly brought me to this moment.
My power hungry "father", having to leave my family for the sake of my own survival, the gnawing need to be the opposite of everything he had intended me to be. I remember trying to get help the day I left...


It was after a particularly rough day of training with that piece of shit I called a father. Knowing my quirk ate away at my body, he still pushed me way passed my limit.
It felt like my insides were melting and I could feel the sting of new burns forming on my neck and arms. My flames fizzled out as my vision began to blur, tears escaping and mixing with the dirt as I lay exhausted and in pain on the ground of our walled off back yard.

"You're still weak, Touya" my father, the #2 hero Endeavor, spat. "If you continue to disappoint me, I'll have no choice but to move on to one of the others. Shoto has shown real promise" the smirk on his face mocked me, as much as much as I wanted to stay here and protect all of them... I couldn't take any more of this. He couldn't make it to #1 on his own, so he ran me ragged so that he might have the chance to live his dream through me. I didn't even WANT to me a hero.

Anger exploded inside me as my blue flames engulfed him. I didn't have enough strength to do any real damage, just enough to stun him and make a run for it. Maybe if I found a pro, maybe they could help me and save my siblings and mom too. He was a monster. I felt like I was being cooked from the inside out though. It hurt. A lot.


Thanks to the adrenaline rush, I managed to make it to the agency of another, smaller pro hero. I rushed in and explained that me and my family were in danger and I needed medical help.

The small-time pro sat me down and asked me questions to assess the situation and I told him everything I could. The beatings, the punishments, the training, the neglect and abuse the others dealt with.
Afterwards he told me he'd do everything he could to help. I was so relieved that I finally noticed the burning pain inside me had subsided to a manageable level. I watched the the hero pick up his buzzing phone and get up to walk out, "I gotta take this, I'll be right back"

He pressed his phone to his ear as he closed the door to the office we were in. My gut told me something wasn't right so I crept my way to the door, placing my ear at the crack between the door and doorframe to listen for anything.

"Yeah, he's here... yeah, we can get one of our medics to patch him up. Should give you enough time to get here... Endeavor, sir. What your son said, do you really treat them like that? His injuries are-Oh, I see. Yeah teens can be pretty rebellious. I know my little girl's gonna be a handful when she hits that stage..."

My blood ran cold in my veins as I hear the one sided conversation. It wasn't hard to guess what was said on the other end. Anyone would believe a top pro over a "rebellious teen" any day, of course.

All at once my heart began to race as a new surge of adrenaline hit me, 'I can't go back there, I won't, I'll die if I do' was all I could think.

I hear the door click open and my body begins to move before I can even register what's happening. I forcefully pull the door the rest of the way open and headbutt the pro, effectively knocking him out as I quickly and easily make my escape before he can get ahold of me again.

'I'm so sorry Natsu, Fuyumi. Especially little Shoto and Mom. I'm too weak to keep you guys safe'

*End Flashback*

The water suddenly going cold brings me back to reality. I quickly wash my hair and body and get out of the shower, towel around my waist.

No longer tired, I decide to change into a black long sleeve shirt and black sweats and head to the living room. I flip the TV on and start looking for something good on Netflix. The first thing on the recommended list was a cheesy looking horror flick so I clicked it.

Absentmindedly looking up from the boring movie I see the bag of cookies across the room. My back pops in protest as I get up from laying on my couch to pick up it up and open it before grabbing a cookie and taking a bite.
'Holy shit. These are actually really good' I think in surprise as I shove the rest of the chocolaty goodness in my mouth, fishing out the folded piece of paper to hold it open.

"Hey you! Have this peace offering :)
I'm not sure what I did, but it was clear that I upset you. So...

I'm genuinely sorry. You seem really nice and I'd like a chance to make a new friend.

I hope you like the cookies. They're my favorite to make ^~^
, your New Neighbor :)"

Snorting in amusement at the note, a small smirk tugged at one side of my lip 'so she made these huh?'
I look down at the cookies, no longer feeling the lingering anger, before making my way out my door to knock on hers. It's late, but I can still see the glow of the tv on the blinds.

The door opens and I'm met with a sleepy looking Y/N in a pink hoodie with... "Cat ears?" I blurt out under my breath, one brow flicking up in half amusement.

She nods as she sleepily rubs her eyes and then smiles up at me "So, did you like the cookies?" Her e/c orbs sparkle with hope and my stomach lurches. 'Maybe it wasn't a good idea to eat sugar on an empty stomach'

"Yeah, they were alright" I say nonchalantly, doing my best to hide the playful smirk that tried to slip out as her face puckers into a pout, "Just alright?"

Chuckling as I pat her head "they were good, thank you. And sorry for being an asshole yesterday." The hand patting her head dropped, offering a handshake. "Redo?"

She looks down at it with a grin and shakes my hand excitedly, "yeah, redo. See you tomorrow?" She locks eyes with me, that hopeful glimmer in her eyes reappearing and the grin only growing.

"Uh... sure" my heart hits hard in my chest before we part with a goodnight. My stomach doing flip flops as I head into my apartment.

'God did she poison those cookies or something?"

Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now