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I'd been sitting in my car for what felt like forever and I was starting to get antsy. Today was the day that Dabi was getting released and I've been looking forward to it since the date was officially set weeks ago.

Time had started dragging along, even though I had plenty of work to keep myself busy. Medical school was no joke at all, it was actually a challenge and I loved every minute of it. Even those boring two hour long lectures, I appreciated it all.

The last two years have been pretty uneventful though, not that I complaining. School, hanging out with friends I'd made here and the boys from UA of course. I could never leave them behind. Shoto has even become an integral part of our little group, though he spent a bit too much time Thanking me for pulling his elder brother out of villainy. Even though I didn't do anything.

I visited Dabi too, though I suppose I was going to have to get used to calling him Touya now since he'd asked me to. It's not a hard change, just different. Through our regular visitations I'd gotten to watch his natural hair color grow out gradually. I honestly thought the cool white tone suited him better. It made his blue eyes even more ethereal and Contrasted well with his card scarring. He wanted to keep it too, said dying it was a hassle and the black would just get everywhere.

I was leaned back in my seat, head tilted to the ceiling of my car while I was lost in how excited I was to get to actually be with him again. I closed my eyes to try and calm myself down, taking deep breath when the sudden opening of the door 9n my side made me jump with a yelp.

My eyes shoot open and are met with my chuckling white haired madman. There was no hesitation as I flung myself out of my seat and into his arms. He squeezed me in such a tight hug I could barely breathe, but I didn't care one bit.

"See? I told you time would fly babydoll." His voice rumbled low in his chest as he pulled away long enough to smash his lips to mine. There was so much pent up love and desire being told through the kiss that it made me dizzy.

I knew what today was going to be like now. Any plans that I'd had for us were swiftly tossed out the window. We were going to just enjoy being with each other again, in whatever way we decided was best at any given time. I'm honestly so thankful it's the start of the weekend, missing. A couple days of school wasn't something I wanted to do.


The last few weeks had been great. Touya was settled into my dorm room with me nicely, even though he wasn't going to school there. His parole was going smoothly, and he even had a normal every day job. Though our schedules didn't line up well most of the time. we only saw each other on our one mutual day off, which he'd demanded to have regularly since he'd noticed the lack of quality time we spent together.

He and his family were even working on mending things, though his father was still left out of it for now without much push back from his siblings. I was so happy for them all, but especially for my Touya. He was starting to smile more than he ever had in the time I'd known him, he wasn't as tense, and he'd grown much softer. His would be stoicism was completely replaced with a warm and gentle personality. I loved both sides deeply, but this one was happier by far and I'd do anything I could to keep it around.

I'd started feeling a little off lately though, and it wasn't till I passed out while hanging out with Fuyumi that I decided to get seen by a doctor. All kinds of tests were done to make sure it wasn't serious, then the nurse came in with a wide grin. Tilting my head at the odd expression, she flipped through her clipboard before her eyes flicked up to me, her smile only widening. "Congratulations miss, it seems you're pregnant! The doctor will be in shortly to get prenatal care sorted out with you."

Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now