Chapter 8. In the mirror.

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We walked downstairs only to find Nova sitting on top of Ian's back as he was squashed to the ground under her. ''Devis help me, I can't breathe!'' He yelled playfully. ''Shut up, I'm not that heavy!''She yelled as she got off of him. ''Thank you.'' He said as he brushed the dust of his clothes. Nova clicked off the light and stepped in her sleeping bag as Matt crawled in with her. ''Mind if I keep you company for the night?'' he asked her. ''Of course not Matty.'' She said as she ruffled his hair as if he was a puppy and laughed. For real sometimes I would think those 2 were a couple. They would make a good couple too now that I think about it.

''Than I'll keep Devis company.'' Ian said chuckling as he hopped in my sleeping bag. ''Oh hell no get out.'' I said playfully. ''Awh, I know you like it.'' He said sticking out his tongue.'' ''Fine.'' I sighted as I pushed some space for myself in the sleeping bag.

 It was probably near 6 as I woke up needing to use the bathroom. I carefully crawled my way out of the sleeping bag as quit as possible trying not to wake up Ian and the rest. I walked up the stairs to the bathroom as the steps softly creaked under each step that I took.

I walked in the dark hall as I finally reached the bathroom. I flicked on the switch as the light instantly burned my eyes. I rubbed them as the pain slowly faded as I got used to the bright light. I did my needs and washed my hands. After I dried my hands I looked to the mirror expecting to see my tired face but instead I saw.. something else... It was a phage image I couldn't make out who or what it was but it smiled at me showing a big row of sharp teeth. I did a step back in shock. The image was gone in a blink of an eye and replaced by my reflection again.

I just stood there staring at the mirror wide eyed as if I had seen a ghost. Maybe...maybe it was a ghost? I shook my head trying to get rid of those ideas. Ghost don't exist Devis, you're just tired. I said to myself as I switched the light off and walked back down the stairs.  

 The next morning I woke up by someone, I won't call any names *cough, Nova, cough* deciding to spray water over my face while yelling ''wake up kitty cats.'' at Ian and me. Ian shot up awake getting her by surprise  as he hit the sprayer out of her hand. ''What the-?'' I yelled as I shot up as well, and wiped the water drops out of my face. Matt stood amused next to nova as he chuckled. Ian picked up the spray bottle and screwed it open running after her with it. ''Get away from me you maniac!''She yelled playfully as she run away from Ian but she didn't make it far because I tackled her.

Ian emptied the spray bottle over her head as I sat on top of her on the ground. ''Ah!'' She screamed as the water hit her.  ''You had to see that coming.'' I said laughing. ''I have to agree with him on that.'' Matt said as his laughter joined mine. Nova glared at Ian and me with daggers as I got off of her. ''I'll get you guys back somehow.'' A smirk formed on her lips as she said that. ''I can't Wait.'' Ian teased her.

Later that day Ian had brought me home after we had breakfast with Matt and Nova at this café in town. I pulled my shoes off and hung up my jacket. ''I'm home.'' I called as I walked in the living room dropping my backpack next to the door. ''Welcome home honey.'' My mother smiled as she sat with my dad at the dining table. My father looked up from the newspaper he was reading and gave me a nod as greeting, which I returned. He wasn't a man of many words.

''How was it at Nova's?''My mother asked with a smile as she took a sip of her tea. ''It was fun.'' I replied as I brushed my hand trough my hair. ''Devis, What happened to your hand?'' 

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