Chapter 48. Unexpected encounter

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Hello guys, I know it has been a while.  School kept me pretty busy since I have to be looking for internships currently.  I had to create an entire portfolio site and such. This is this first time I have to do this all on my own and ohh boyy is it nerve wrecking. I promised myself I wouldn't write or start a new digital drawing until I was done with all the preparation and had send out at least one letter to a company. Yesterday I send out my first letter so here's the update haha.  I hope they take me ;A; wish me luck guys!



The bleachers were packed. It was difficult finding Matt and Nova but I did as Porcelain mentioned that she was going to find Tyler.

I was still processing all the new information I had gotten, trying not to let it bother me. I was here for my team and my friends. With all the cheering and loud talking around me I was glad it made for a good distraction.

''Ladies and gentleman, give a warm welcome for our visiting team The Bears!'' We could hear the announcer call trough the speakers, followed by cheering from the other side of the bleachers and some booing from our side as The Bears made their way on the field.

"And give it up for our one and only home team The Wolves!!'' I'd have to admit that the cheering sounded way louder as I saw our team run into the field. I could spot number 10, Ian, with his arms raised in the air making motions with them to raise the noise followed by a more timid number 6, luke. ''That's my son!'' Screamed Nova proudly while pointing towards the field at Ian. Matt and I looked at each other and laughed before cheering with her.


''You were on fire!'' Ian yelled enthusiastically as he lifted Luke up in a hug, making him blush. The rest of the team swarmed around Luke as he had just made the winning touchdown and they lifted him up together. The people on our side of the bleachers were cheering wildly and I swear I had never seen Luke so happy.

''You burned them down, Adams!'' Frank said giving his tight a pat with a grin before they let him down again.

He got hair ruffles and back pats from most of the other team players and he looked close to tears with happiness. ''I must say I didn't know you had it in you, but you proved us wrong,'' even Wyatt admitted giving him a pat on the shoulder with a smile. ''We need to celebrate it! To Luke and the Wolves' victory!'' Ian said pumping his fist in the air. Everyone yelled in agreement.

As the bleachers became empty Nova, Matt, and I met up with Ian and Luke before they went to change. As Luke saw me he ran towards me and hugged me tightly, making me stumble a little bit in surprise.

''Thank you, thank you , thank you!'' he rambled into my shoulder. '''Whoa hahah for what?'' I asked before I returned the embrace, giving him a pat on the back.

He retrieved his face from my shoulder and looked at me with a huge smile. ''For training me. I wouldn't have been able to do this without you.'' Luke said as he sniffed.

''I just helped you a bit. It was you who won the game. You did well Luke.'' I said giving him a smile back.

''Hey, hey, hey, no hogging Devis all for yourself. Ian needs some Lovin' too,'' Ian said grinning as he swung his arms around us both after receiving a hug from Nova and Matt.

''Yeah, yeah, you did well too Ian,'' I said chuckling and adjusted my arms so I was hugging him too. ''I'm proud of you both.''

Ian and Luke went to the changing rooms after saying goodbye. Nova went with Matt saying she had to pick something up and that they'd meet us at the party. I would meet up back with Ian at the parking lot in half an hour so he'd ride us there too. I waved them off before seeing Porcelain talk with Frank closer to the bleachers and Tyler still sitting a little above them on one of the benches. As I approached them Frank waved at her goodbye to his way to the changing rooms and passed

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