Chapter 9. In the dark.

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''How was it at Nova's?''

My mother asked with a smile as she took a sip of her tea. ''It was fun.'' I replied as I brushed my hand trough my hair. ''Devis, What happened to your hand?'' She stood up and walked over to me. She grabbed my left hand and took the bandage off of it observing the cut with a shocked expression. My parents are lightly religious. They don't go to the church on Sunday anymore or pray before they eat like they used to but they believe in God, heaven and hell. I didn't think it would be such a good idea if I told them I did some witchcraft and tried to call up a demon. They would probably think I was going the wrong path and became some worshipper of Satan or something. ''Uh.. I accidentally broke a glass at Nova's house and I cut my hand on it.'' I lied. ''Awh, honey you should be more careful. Let me take care of it.'' She said in a worried motherly tone.

 ''Matt already did, and I can do it myself anyway.''  ''He's not a little kid anymore Gabriella, he can take care of himself.'' My father agreed with me. ''I know Eric  I just want to make sure this doesn't get infected.'' ''Don't worry mom I won't let it get that far.'' I said as I walked up the stairs to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and locked it behind me. I carefully took off the bandage as it started bleeding again. It was as if it was a freshly cut wound. It was indeed deeper than I had thought it was. I listened as tiny raindrops slowly hit the window glass quickly picking up speed. I opened the cabinet pulling out a first aid kit. I sprayed some disinfectant on the cut and as it started stinging and replaced the old bloody bandage with  new clean ones.

The rest of the day went fast. The light rain outside had turned into a storm. Rumbling sound were heard in the sky ones in a while as lightning flashed followed by thunder. I  had supper with my parents a few hours ago. It was rather silence as usual as there was not much to talk about. We all didn't make a move to come up with a conversation except for my mother who tried but failed as the conversation slowly died. My father was watching TV in the living room now as my mother read a book. When I went down earlier to get something to drink I heard something about a storm coming up and that it was most clever to stay indoors tonight from the TV.

I decided to take a warm shower to relax my mussels since I felt a bit tense tonight for some reason. I took of my clothes, put the water at wished temperature and slowly stepped into the shower. The water felt good till I felt something stinging. I looked to my left hand and saw that I had forgotten to take of the bandage. I gently took of the bandage as it clung to my skin because it was wet. The blood colored the water as it flowed into the drain. I looked with wide eyes at the wound on my hand as it appeared as if the skin around it had turned.. dark.

 It looked like filth but it didn't wash off. It was stinging badly again as if the wound was just made.

 All of a sudden the light in the bathroom turned off leaving me there in the darkness. I turned off the shower with my right-hand as I could still see a little bit because of the moon which shone through the bathroom window. I took my towel and wrapped it around me. I switched the light switch a couple of times but it stayed off . Was the power off? I placed some bandage around my hand hiding the dark skin on it. After that I tried switching the lights in the hall but there was no sign of electricity . I dressed myself, took a flashlight and went downstairs. I focused the light  to the ground to see where I walked before I would trip.

 It was silence in the house except for my footsteps as I walked down the stairs.  I heard something rumbling in the kitchen as I entered the living room. ''Mom, dad?'' I called as I slowly approached the kitchen and shone the flashlight around. Thunder was heard outside again. All of a sudden I felt 2 cold hands on both of my shoulders from behind. I shocked up and stiffened in place as I dropped the flashlight. The cold hands slowly moved from my shoulders to my waist as it wrapped its arms around me and pressing me to its chest. I felt a warm breath travel down on the side of my neck. A shudder ran through my spine at the feeling. I wanted to do something, really, but I couldn't move.. It was as in those dreams where you wanted to run or scream but was just frozen in place. I heard the voice of my mother from the kitchen calling my name and the arms around me disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. As if they had never been there.

 ''Devis, is that you?'' She said as she came out of the kitchen with a  few candles in her hands followed by my father as he was also holding a few. Still shocked of what happened I didn't answer I just stood there wide eyed.. 

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