Chapter 19. We're linked.

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Heeeeeeey there, wassup?how you doin' readers? I got a new chappie of this book here OwO yes,yes.. and I though that.. I dunno you might perhaps like it ;D?  *hands it to you on a silver plate.* Yes, just take a bite out of it and tell me how you like it ;)? Pahahaha, I don't even.. XD  Okay that was that anyway ;w;.. enjoy~



“Hey Devis! where are you going?’’ Said the purring voice of Ashley as she blinked with her long eyelashes.

“Home.’’ I said walking around them not wanting to deal with them. “Wait!’’ A small hand grabbed my arm. I turned around annoyed but tried not to show it in my face. “What is it that you want?’’ I said with a fake smile. “Well I was thinking if you have nothing to do today how about we go to this new ice cream parlor?’’ I heard about it and I actually wanted to go but defiantly not with Ashley. “I uh..’’  A bigger hand grabbed my other arm. “He can’t. He’s actually going to hang out with me today.’’ Said a familiar voice. I looked up only to meet Matt’s face. “Awhhh, what?’’ Ashley said disappointed letting go of me. “Uh, that’s right.’’ I agreed quickly with Matt.

“Then let’s go. Bye Ashley, bye Megan.” Matt  said as he walked away with me. As we were around the corner Matt let go of me. “Thanks Matt, you really saved me out there.’’ I said letting out a breath I was holding. “It’s okay, that is what friends are for right?’’ “Yeah I guess.’’ I agreed. “So you’re going home but Ian’s not here? Does that mean you’re going to walk?’’He asked. “Uh, yeah he has Rugby training now.’’ “Then I’ll give you a ride home.” “Really? Thanks.’’

The ride home didn’t take long and before I knew it Matt stopped in front of my house. “Well here’s your house.’’ “Thanks for the ride.’’ I said as I got out of the car. “Hey, Devis..’’ “Hmm?’’ I turned around and looked at him. His expression looked rather serious but there was something different in his eyes, they looked strangely paler than normal with less shine. “I uh..nevermind.’’ He said.  “Uh, okay.’’ I said lifting a brow before turning around. “See you tomorrow.” I said sending a small wave backwards as I walked to the door. “Yea..see you tomorrow.’’ I heard Matt reply in a silent voice before he drove away.

When I opened the door the house was surprisingly silence.  I took of my jacket and hung it up. Kicking my shoes off, I took a few books from my backpack before placing it on the hallway floor. I was feeling rather thirsty so I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge before making my way up the stairs to my room still carrying the books.

I pushed the door handle of my room downwards with my elbow and pushed the door open with my back as my hands were to full. As I opened my door I saw Tyler Lying on his belly on my bed with his face flat into the blankets as soon as I walked in he moved his head up looking at me with a lazy glance . “What if I was someone ells? You’d be discovered by now.’’ I said as I placed my books and coke on my desk. “I wouldn’t because I knew it was you.’’ He said sitting up on the edge of my bed. “How did you know?’’ I asked.

He stood up stepping closer to me. I backed up till I hit the side of my desk and made some papers fall out of my books. Tyler looked me in the eyes as he hovered above me being way taller than me. I was still a bit jumpy remembering this morning when those same eyes held that murderous glare. Now they just stared at me as if seeing right trough me. He had both his hands placed on either side of me on the desk locking me in. A smirk made its way on his face and I couldn’t help but feel my cheeks heat up a little as he was so close.

His right hand grabbed mine, the one which held a cut before and intertwined our fingers together. I didn’t have the power to pull back and something in me didn’t want to either as it was such a soft touch. I felt a spark between our hands that made something in my chest flutter. He moved his head closer to me. “We’re linked remember?’’ He whispered in my ear. His voice sent a pleasurable shiver its way up my spine making my blushing even worse.

He released my hand and backed away a little before bucking and picking up ones of the papers that had fallen. “Hmm, what’s this?’’ He said studying the paper. Something inside of me was disappointed that he stopped but I tried to push that side away as I didn’t even know I had a side like that at all. “W-what was that?’’ “Anything you want it to be.’’ He replied taking his eyes of the paper for a second and looking in mine with a smirk. He turned the paper he was holding showing the drawing Matt had made. It must have fallen from my sketchbook.

“But tell me, what is this?’’ “It’s a drawing one of my friends made in art class.’’ I replied, my mood directly going down as I remembered the story Matt had told me. “It show’s much emotion.’’ He said. “…Yeah, his mother died 6 weeks ago in a house fire though he just made it out in time. He told me that he thinks that his mother was possessed by a Demon and it made her light the fire… Can Demon’s really do that?’’ “We can.’’ Tyler replied. “And there is more you don’t know about us.’’ I swallowed feeling an instant fear rush trough me.

Just the thought of Tyler possessing someone and making that person light house fires, kill people or other things like that, it didn’t seem to fit him. Though he's still one of them, he is still a Demon.


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