Chapter 32. I'm fine really.

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Hi readers, ahhhh  it's been a while ;__;! I had some trial exams that didn't go so well.. and had to choose school directions so I chose media design animation / audiovisual design. I hope I'm suited for that and will have fun doing it but on the other side I'm scared I won't like drawing anymore if I have to do it with pressure.. But first I'll have to pass my exams ofcourse. My first exam will start in 3 weeks. That wil be my metal technology..I hope that one will atleast go okay ^^'' Also parents aren't dealing all that good with the genderfluid thing.. I never talked with them about it yet but I know my mom is suspecting that there is something wrong considering my last breakdown she asked if I wasn't sure if I liked girls or boys and hell, what does it matter? You should just go for who you love! Ah..sorry I'm rambling again.. Anyway I found some time to write for this story again though I'm not sure when the next update will be considering the exams though I'll try not too take all too long.

ALSO, thanks allot for all the comments and votes people! It keeps me alive ;u;!

SECOND ALSO, I wrote some  fanfiction porn of the ship ereri(eren x levi from shingeki no kyojin) for a friend I might upload it on here later if you guys would like that.)



I was pinned down by.. "Tyler?!''I said in a desperate gasp for air.  His eyes were glowing bright filled with anger. Something was swinging behind him... a  long tail like a lion's tail but instead of the fluffy end it was a blue flame. It was swinging annoyed like a cat's. His nails were like sharp arrow points as they held my wrist in place, his ears like a wolf's bend to the back as he softly growled at me under his breath bearing his sharp fangs. As a demon he looked possessed himself.

He let go one of my wrist, paralyzed by fear I left it right where he released it. The hand explored down my body and into my pockets as if looking for something until he found the orange crystal. He took it out and held it in front of himself. The orange of the crystal slowly turned dark like ink spreading in water, all his previous anger turned to it now. He flipped it by the string into his hand and hissed  in pain as he crushed the crystal. 

 His claws tugged back as his anger seemed to leave him , the long tail and ears disappeared in blue flames and at last his eyes turned back to the soft, beautiful moon color , although I would never admit to him, loved.

"Devis! Are you okay up there honey?'' I snapped back to reality as I heard the voice of my mom coming from downstairs."Y-yeah I'm okay mom, I just..tripped!'' I called back, my voice trembling as I not dared to break my gaze from Tyler.  "Okay careful!'' Tyler got off of me seeming like himself again. "W-what was that for..?'' I asked confused and scared as I slowly sat up. ''Where did you get that crystal?'' He pondered  with a blank expression . I slightly raised my voice. "W-what does it matter?'' "I said, where did you get that crystal?'' He barked back at me.

I coward back a little as I answered."From some fortuneteller lady. What was wrong with it that you had to destroy it?'' ''What did she say it was for?'' ''To protect me against dark spirits or something, why?'' I replied really confused and frustrated now just wanting answers. He chuckled. " It's true that if that crystal comes too close to weak demons it will drive them insane. They will most likely leave you alone but for stronger demons it works as an opposite. It will drive them to kill the source and or bearer, most of the time both. It's too much of a risk to use as protection. If a demon didn't kill you the crystal itself would have made you mentally insane eventually, considering we're connected..  That is why.. I destroyed it.'' He said with a sad smile.

A streak of blood leaked from the cracks between his fingers, still clutched closed in his hand. He opened his palm revealing the now dark broken chards of what once was the orange crystal. I saw that a few of the bigger chards had pierced his skin leaving a burn mark around them.

''You're bleeding..'' I whispered as confusion made way for worry. He held his other hand out to me. I hesitantly took it and let him pull me up. "You are too.'' I looked at the wrist of my hand still in his. A few cuts were lined on it from his nails when he held me down, raising my other arm I saw they were there too. Upon the sight of them they immediately started to sting  a little. They luckily weren't so deep to cause any serious damage. His eyebrows  pulled together as he gave me an apologetic look."I'm sorry I-'' "It's fine, you only tried to protect me right? It was the crystal's fault.'' "Right.'' "Now let me take care of you.'' I said, softly pulling him along to the bathroom with the hand still in his.

I opened the cabinet pulling out the first aid kit and  tweezers. I took the tweezers and moved out to grab his bleeding hand but he pulled back before I could reach it. ''I think we should take care of you first." "They're just a few scratches don't worry about it.'' I replied. ''Then at least let me take care of you after you're done. "He insisted.  "fine, fine.''

With some effort I managed to get out all the shards and cleaned the wound. He observed me all the while doing it once in a while looking at the cuts on my wrist, frowning lightly . As I finished I remembered the cuts on his chest and asked to change those bandage too but was surprised that the cuts had completely healed not a scar left or anything. He reminded me once again of how demons healed faster than humans and I left it at that allowing him to take care of me.

He took both my hands and brought his face down licking the cuts and they slowly disappeared just like the cut on my hand had the first time I met him.

"Can you just heal everyone like this?'' "No, just you.'' He answered. He stared down at my now healed wrists as he held them next to each other in his hands.

"So...was that your true form?'' I asked after a moment of silence. "Part of it.'' He replied. "Tyler, I'm fine really.'' He looked up from my healed wrists until our eyes met. His expression not readable. "Devis! Dinner's ready!'' I heard my mom call from downstairs. "I'll be down in a minute!'' I called back. I looked down at my wrists where he still held me hoping he would understand. He gave a light squeeze before he released me. I picked up the firs aide kit and placed it away in my cabinet again. "Oh before I forget. In case you didn't already knew, my niece Amy is here. She'll be staying for a while so please don't scare her or anything.'' "Got it.'' "All right I'll be going.'' I send him a small smile before I left him in the bathroom.


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