Chapter 39. Chocolate milk mustache.

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Good day pals, sorry for the long wait but I currently have allot of projects at school. This chapter should've been up yesterday already but my internet was acting weird :/ Anyway I hope you guys like it~ 



I was still thankful that the mark Tyler left on me was low enough not to be seen so I didn’t have trouble with trying to cover it up while dressing this morning.  Mr. Elkin was explaining something as he wrote away on  the  white-board on the wall. We were just sitting there, Nova and I, with a beaker on a burner in between us. Our safety goggles, gloves and lab coats on looking like dorks. Chemistry was never really one of my strongest points but Nova seemed pretty good at it.

I was way too tired to really pay attention when she asked me to poor in some liquid, of which I can’t remember the name, that I accidently grabbed the wrong tube. It shocked me awake as the liquid substance started to bubble up and suddenly spurted out like a coke  bottle when you put  Mentos in it. ‘’Oh, shit!’’ Nova cursed stepping back. I heard some girls shrieking in shock from the back of the class as it happened.  The substance of the beaker started to flow over the edge and onto the table. ‘’Uh..sorry.’’ I said giving an apologetic smile to Nova. We waited it out until the substance stopped foaming. 

‘’You should have seen it!’’ Nova giggled as we sat on our usual spot in the canteen. ‘’The fear in Ashley’s eyes as Devis made our project erupt!’’ Matt was looking attentive at her as he sucked on his juice box straw.  “I’m sorry I screwed up our project.’’ I said apologetic once more. “Nah, It’s fine. The looks of terror I got to see on Ashley’s faces was enough to pay it back.’’  ‘’Dude, did you take the wrong tube again?’’ Ian asked amused leaning with his chin in the palm of his hands. ‘’Yeah, haha..’’ I replied scratching the back of my neck.  I remembered the last time I had a chemistry project with Ian, I screwed it up too. I’m kind of surprised they still want me as chemistry partner.  ‘’No one got hurt right?’’ Matt asked.  “Don’t worry Matty, someone only burned of their finger with acid  is all. ‘’ Nova replied with  a smile.  ‘’Oh.’’ He said back as his eyebrows lightly furrowed together in a worried expression.  ‘’Just kidding.~’’ She giggled.  Matt let out a sigh of relief. ‘’I-I knew that.''   Ian chuckled leaning over to ruffle Matt’s hair with a smile.

As breaks were over and the rest of the classes for today were done I was standing in the fairly empty hallway. I was leaning against the locker next to Ian’s waiting till he was done picking all his stuff out of his.  “I finally got that game I told you about, remember?’’  He suddenly started.  I looked up at him. ‘’Uh, Black drift right?’’  “Black shift.’’ He corrected me as he closed his locker and started walking. ‘’Oh yeah, and, how is it?’’ I started walking along side him to his car.  It was one of those days where the sky was completely white no sun to be seen. ‘’The graphics are great, like seriously the videogame industry is getting better and better.’’ He replied ‘’That’s great.’’ I said as we got in his car and he started driving.

‘’You know I miss how we used to play videogames at you’re place.’’ He said with a nostalgic smile.  ‘’Did you get any better in mortal combat then?’’ ‘’Hmm, I might have? Want me to prove it?’’ He said with a challenging smile.  In any other circumstance I would have taken him on his offer and accepted, but with the current demon housing in my room I couldn’t. I wouldn’t really know how to explain it to him so I had to decline. ‘’Ah sorry I can’t I have to uh, baby-sit my little niece Amy.’’ “It’s cool.’’  He replied, his smile fading as he didn’t take his eyes of the road. “I didn’t know Amy was at yours?’’ He started again after a few seconds of silence. ‘’Yeah she arrived this weekend, and will be staying for a while since my aunt is on a business trip to Germany.’’ I explained.  ‘’Oh I see, how is she by the way?’’ “She seems to be doing alright.’’  ‘’Good to hear.’’

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