Chapter 12. You're my chain between the living.

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Hey readers! e^e I'm so,so,so sorry I didn't upload for a week ): I had a huge writers block and my depression is back ones more.. But I made myself write a new chapter so here it is. I dedicate this one to koolzippy313 for the many votes, thanks! It always makes me feel that people actually like this story. Anyways, enjoy!



''What are you?'' He looked at my eyes and silently laughed. ''You of all people should know, you're the one who called me up.'' Called him up? wait a second...''You mean.. you're the demon we tried to call up at Nova's..?'' I asked a bit scared of the answer and confused at the same time. ''Took you long enough to figure it out.'' He said smirking. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.''...Ahw hell no! This can't be...? Leave me alone! Go back to where you came from!''I  yelled at him. ''You see that's not quite possible. You're my chain between the living, I'll be stuck with you till one of us dies or till one of us decides to kill the other.''

Kill each other? I got flustered. I would never want to kill someone in my live, I don't think I could live with the guilt. Though I don't think it would be any problem for him. I didn't had any guns under my bed or a knife under my pillow where I could maybe try and defend myself with. He took place next to me on the bed what made me shove away from him. ''And since I don't see you stupid enough to try and kill a demon, I think we'll be stuck together for some time.'' ''Y-you mean you won't kill me?''I asked in disbelieve. He came closer to me making me shove away more till I bumped against the head piece of the bed with my back, trapped. He placed his thumb and index finger under my jaw and lifted my chin up.

We were only a few inches apart as a small blush came on my cheeks. His eyes locked mine as he grinned. They almost seem to glow. I've never seen eyes as beautiful as his. ''No, I think I'll have some fun with you instead.''  

I didn't really understand what he meant with 'fun' and didn't really want to find out so I decided to just ignore it for now. He let go of my chin and placed his hands in his pockets looking in front of him out of my window which was half cover in curtain. ''So it really worked?'' I mumbled to myself as I looked at the collar around his neck. Carved in the pendant in blue was a similar pentagram as Nova drew to call him up. Before I knew it I let my eyes travel down at his muscular chest almost impossible to look away from it. Stupid hormones. My eyes wanted to look at that body while my brain said it wasn't that smart considering it belonged to something dangerous. I managed to look away up at his face again only regretting my decision as I met with his eyes looking my way. Fuck. He saw me staring didn't he? My cheeks heated up in embarrassment. What a great first impression I said sarcastically in my head. ''So..why did you do that? healing me I mean.'' I said awkwardly trying to break the silence. The side of his cheek curled up as he smiled.

''You would have died if I hadn't done that.''

 ''It was just a cut how would I die of something simple as that?'' I asked confused. ''You probably noticed that the skin around the cut started rotting. The spell your little friend called out after you made the cut was part a curse sealed into the wound. Demons heal the wound breaking the curse in a way to say they except there new master. If I hadn't done that the rotting would have spread all over your body slowly killing you.''  I was silence for a moment taking in all the new information. ''Wait, did you just say ..master?'' He stood up from the bed taking a few steps before he turned around to look at me again. ''Yes, but don't take me wrong. I. don't. take. orders.'' He made loud and clear. ''Got it, no orders.'' I said as I gave a small nod.

''Devis!'' I heard my mom's voice call followed by steps from the stairs as they became louder as she came close and closer to my room. "Fuck, my mom!''


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And I wish you all a happy day! Just because I can't have one doesn't mean you can't. QwQ 

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