Grocery Wars

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You and Toga were back to back in front of the basket. Toga was getting excited and you could for sure say the same. Thinking about the fact that you were still pregnant you knew you had to take it easy and especially watch out for any attacks to the stomach or back. One of the men surrounding you both spoke, sounding furious for absolutely no reason.

"I bet your mad about hawks being with someone else. Well guess what nigro, he didn't want you and he never will. You had no right to kill that woman!"

"Eat my bullets, bitch." You replied, reaching behind your back and opening fire several times straight through the man's head. Blood splattered and you didn't feel pitty, or regret; nothing of the sort. That feeling of excitement from thoughtlessly taking a breath without any regard for that person or they're life was is exhilarating.

Having not felt bad about killing somebody for the first- I mean second time, Y/n silently came to the conclusion that here, on the side of villains is where she belongs. Being bound by the rules of society and government is not what she was made for. Being held to a standard just because she stood next to a pro hero was not what she was built for. Life as a outsider was just where she belonged. Nobody can deny that now.

"Twinkle twinkle little bitch! Let's throw they're bodies in a ditch!" Toga sung sweetly swiping her knifes taking out several men one by one. "Your life is worthless if you can treat somebody that way and not even know them. Your precious Hawks was the one who caused this situation." You said rolling your eyes standing over a corpse and looking back at Hawks who looked absolutely pissed.

"Stay pressed Keigo." You said eyeing him with an intimidating look. "Ummm Y/n enough playtime, the hero's are coming. Let's get out of here! I don't wanna die today!" Toga said jumping into the basket.

"Yeah yeah I'm comin." You hollered back, grabbing the handle bars of the basket and a extra bag of takis and furry blanket just because. You, Toga, the basket, and everything in it disappeared into a black cloud of thick misty smoke only to suddenly reappear in the living room of the LOV hideout.

"Hey y'all! We're back!" Toga chimed playfully. "What took you two so long..." Shigaraki said scratching his neck. "Shiggy what I say bout scratchin yo neck." You grumbled throwing a tub of Nutella at him.

"Ah- your being a little rude don't chu think." He said picking up the Nutella. "Wow you losers really stacked up huh." Dabi added, entering the room. "Yah!" Chimed Toga. "Really brought back the basket huh." Said Kurogiri, who at this point was basically a fucking nanny.

"How the fuck else was we supposed to get it back here smart mouth." You said laughing at his comment. "Ight we got the stuff so y'all is responsible for stackin the pantry, cabinets, and frigerator." You said pulling Toga out of the basket.

"Hell no-" dabi started to say before you turned and looked at the couple members who stayed behind in the hideout while you and Toga almost died. You gave them that black momma glare and teeth grit and said "Get yall ass I that kitchen and stack the god damn pantry."

"Yes ma'am." They all said in unison without hesitation, heading to the kitchen. Toga giggled pointing at them. You felt a jolt in your stomach and was alarmed before you remembered you were pregnant and aging so it was most likely just the baby moving.

"Aw damn what am I fenna do about this damn baby foo." You said slightly starting to have second guesses about keeping the child. You kept on loose clothing all the time so that nobody could see your forming baby bump and wouldn't know you were at disadvantage in combat.

Toga saw you starting to panic and put her hand on your stomach as you looked at her giving her your attention. "Calm down, you may be a villain now and are cut off from your usual life resources, but villains have there own way around too! We will find you a doctor, and have your lil baby delivered safely okay!"

You are a bit relieved to know Toga cared. And that she was capable of not being a psycho path for a few seconds. Little did either of you know dabi was listening in on the other side of the open area between the living room and kitchen.

Hey Babezz. So it's Dabi's birthday meaning extra chapter. Next chapter will be uploaded within one hour.

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