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It's about a week later. Dabi hadn't wanted to let you go. He had been clingy and over protective ever since you healed him. But it's not as if you didn't enjoy it.

Today was Friday and it Dabi seemed normal. Nothing really seemed to be bothering him and the other villains were gone on a mission to rob an expensive clothing store to widen y 'all's choices of outfits to wear, along with a little catching up on the crime spree within a ten mile radius and a little digging for info.

He was laying on the couch underneath you with you sitting on top of him laying on his chest. You were watching the news waiting for them to broadcast the few members that were robbing the store since it would obviously be a big deal because the LOV was involved.

Usually the LOV isn't big for fashion or changing things up, but you suggested a change of clothes every once in a while, plus you were tired of wearing the same outfits you brought with you when you fled.

Suddenly the camera man showed Toga and Twice hopping into a vehicle and dipping from the crime scene. When somebody with a flaming beard hopped in front of the car making whoever was driving swerve and stop right before hitting him.

"Oh shit it's endeavor ." you said jumping up. "I gotta get they slow asses out of there before they get whooped. You said standing up straight. "He's a fucking waste of life and flesh." Said dabi who was staring at the tv looking like he was about to set it on fire.

"Calm down Jamal, don't pull out the nine." You said putting your hands up. "That asshole deserves to be shot with a nine." He said rolling his eyes. At that moment you could see Dabi's eyes fill with hatred and anger. Probably even pain.

"Alright, I'm going to rescue them but when I get back you fenna tell me what to grudge is against this nigga endeavor, you got me?" He playfully rolled his eyes plopping back down on the couch.

You teleported to the crimes scene just in time, Endeavor had just shot off a powerful blast straight at the car of villains. Luckily you were behind it and only had to place both your hands on it and activate your quirk to get them out of the way. The car didn't go back to the base immediately though, it appeared elsewhere on the crime scene allowing them to flee. 

"Thanks girly see you laterr~" Toga yelled at you waving her knife around in the air while the car zoomed off. Before you could wave back somebody tackled you onto the ground pinning your arms down. It was only when your arms where down that you remembered Endeavor aimed at the car that you were standing behind, if that car disappeared and the shot wasn't re-aimed somewhere else you would have been hit by it, so what happened. 

Trying to get a grasp on the situation, somebody sat on top of you calling out your name with your arms still pinned to the ground. Somebody who knew your name and who new that restraining your arms could stop you from using your quirk, someone who is a hero and obviously didn't know you were pregnant otherwise they would not have been so rough and reckless with that save, only one person came to mind.

"Keigo?" You said as you came to from hitting your head on the ground. A sigh of annoyed relief was heard above you as Hawks used his feathers to pin your body to the ground. You realized that he just saved you, but he was still a selfish lying hero after all. The air around you began to get thick and fill with hatred as people recognized who you were, that same feeling you recognized from that hated that feeling. 

Everybody staring and judging you for something that's none of they're business and that they didn't understand. It  was unfair and unbearable. "YO KEIGO, LET ME GO G. WITCHO BITCH ASS, GOT ALL THESE GOD DAMN PEOPLE SPEAKIN ON MY NAME LIKE THEY KNOW ME OR SUM. TELL 'EM THE TRUTH. TELL 'EM WHAT REALLY HAPPENED YO." you yelled angrily with cameras surrounding you and people booing and throwing various objects calling out racial slurs and cuss words and saying things like "You should have let that killer burn."

Everybody believed their precious hero and his 'girlfriend' were shot, one pronounced dead, because you were supposedly a jealous by stander that he neglected. When that wasn't even close to the truth. Your eyes got watery and your body got weak. You were dizzy from hitting the ground, the  world around you started to faze and fade out as you lost conscious and your eyes closed as you were left unresponsive on the ground, held down by the feathers of your cheating ex boyfriend.

~Back At The Hideout~ 

"DAMMIT, SON OF A BITCH." He yelled throwing an absolute tantrum along with various objects in the room. "Dabi calm down we won't get her back by being pissed off and pressed  will we? LET'S STAB THEM!" Said Toga trying to calm down the angry male in front of her. The LOV was panicking. Everybody's favorite and newest member had been captured by hero's who were doing god knows what right now and doing it god knows where.

Everybody was angry but Dabi was on a different level. His blood was broiling and he was shaking of absolute anger and fury. Someone took the one thing in this world that he claimed, the one person that he cherished. The one being that he openly cared about,  and that just  wasn't gonna sit right with him.

"Yeah your right, having a hot temper won't fix shit." he said and the rest of the LOV  nodded in agreement while also in thought.

" So what's our plan." 


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