Reminiscing About the Past

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So before I begin any of the main story chapters, I'll list characters that were requested and if I have an idea for them.

Requested characters:

Serafall- I'll have to think about this one a bit.

Ravel- I have an interesting idea for her.

Ophis- This one will require some thinking.

Grayfia and Venelana- I'm not sure what to do with them, after all they are married.

Sona- I already have an idea for her, plus it will make writing Serafall easier.

Tsubaki- I'll be honest, I have no idea what I'll do, if I can't think of anything I'll just put her with Sona.

Kuroka- I've may have an idea, but its going to take a while.


I looked up after hearing my name called and saw a girl with long red hair.

Y/N: Rias?

Rias: Y/N!

I stood up and was immediately enveloped in a hug.

Rias: I can't believe it's really you! I've missed you.

Y/N: I missed you too.

As we were about to catch up, the bell rang.

Y/N: There's the bell, I guess I'll see you around.

I left for class after waving goodbye to Rias.


School had just ended an I was walking out the gate when I heard my name being called.

Rias: Y/N!

I turn and see Rias running towards me.

Y/N: Hey Rias, do you need something?

Rias: I wanted to catch up.

Once we were away from the school we started talking.

Rias: So how have you been?

Y/N: Things have been alright.

Rias: And your parents?

I froze up after hearing that and Rias noticed.

Y/N: ...They died in a car accident a few years ago.

Rias: Oh. I'm sorry I didn't know.

Y/N: It's fine.

We stopped talking for a while before she asked me another question.

Rias: So why did you stop contacting me?

Y/N: We were moving and unfortunately I lost the flyer you gave me. I tried to recreate the symbol, but I had no success.

Rias: I see.

There was a pause before she spoke again.

Rias: Hey Y/N, can I spend the night at your house?

Y/N: But don't you have devil things to do?

Rias: Don't worry I'm not busy right now.

Y/N: Then sure.


We just arrived at my house as I was closing the door.

Rias: Hey Y/N, why don't I cook dinner for us?

Y/N: You can cook Rias?

Rias: Of course.

Y/N: Then sure go ahead.

Rias left as I decided to do some reading.

Rias POV

I entered the kitchen and grabbed an apron and set it aside. I started taking my clothes off before I stopped myself.

Rias thoughts: What the heck are you doing Rias, that's your childhood friend, what would he think if he saw you like this?!

Fantasy sequence

I was facing Y/N while he had his back to me.

Rias: Y/N its not what you think.

Y/N: You're nothing more than a shameless whore. I never want to see you again.

Rias: Y/N, no, please don't go.

Fantasy end

I shake my head and cover myself back up, put on the apron, and began cooking.


I made F/F for me and Y/N and sat down.

Y/N: Wow Rias, this is my favorite, how did you know?

Rias: I just took a random guess at what you liked.

As we were eating I was remembering Issei and what I did to spend time with him. How I cooked and fed him, how I slept and bathed with him, and for what, his attention for a while. I then remembered the time I spent with Y/N. There was never any ulterior motives, just two friends spending time with each other. After we finished eating I made a decision.

Rias: Y/N can I ask you something?

Y/N: Sure Rias. What is it?

I could feel my heart beating like crazy.

Rias: Y/n. What do you think about me as a person?

He paused for a second before answering

Y/N: I think you're amazing!

I was going to say something but he continued.

Y/N: And I'm not saying that because you're the heir to the Gremory family, or because your brother is a devil king. Its because you wanted to be your own independent person, and I find that admirable. Why?

I'm speechless. The way he sees me, its how I wanted others to see me as. At first I was scared of what may happen, but now I not turning back.

Rias: I'm going to be honest with you. Y/N I love you.

He was caught off guard, but I want to know how he feels.

Y/N: Rias, can I be honest? I love you too, but will this be okay? I mean your a devil and I'm a human. Plus don't devils have arranged marriages?

Rias: I don't care. It doesn't matter if your human, it's you who I want to be with and I'm free to be with whoever I want. If my family has a problem with it, then I don't care. I'll renounce my family name if I have to.

Y/N: You would do that for me?

Rias: I would.

He came close to me then gave me a hug which I returned

Y/N: Then I would be honored.

We kissed after that.


It was night and I was in my own room. I was about to undress but stopped myself. The only real reason I did that was so I could get Issei's attention. I went under the blanket and only had one thought before going to sleep.

Rias thoughts: Issei Hoyoudou, you'll pay for what you made me do.

So I am going to write one more main chapter before doing some filler. And like before leave a comment of someone you want added to the story.

Also I noticed I've hit 500 followers!

The House of Lust (Cheated Highschool DxD Girls & Various x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora