A Different Form of Revenge

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First things first I want to apologize for how long it took for this part to come out. February just did not want to work with me, but hey I finally got this done. Anyway for new additions and the vote.

La Fay: Another barely seen character, she'll appear after Rossweisse.

Human: 53
Not: 56

??? POV

We have recently arrived at an abandoned warehouse.

???: I can't believe we have to hide in a place like this

???2: Will you stop complaining? Besides if it wasn't for Dohnaseek we would all be dead.

???3: Exactly so quit whining. All we need to do is find the right moment to strike.

???4: I doubt you'll have any luck with that.

We looked towards the voice and saw a female devil leaning on a wall.

We looked towards the voice and saw a female devil leaning on a wall

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We all pointed light spears at her

???: Who are you?

???: My name is Viser and don't worry I'm not here to fight.

???2: Then what do you want?

Viser: All of us share a common enemy, Rias Gremory, and I know each of you. Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Dohnaseek.

We were all surprised and lowered our weapons.

Raynare: You still haven't answered our question.

Viser: All of us have something against the Gremory heiress and her peerage. So I figured we could work together.

Dohnaseek: How can we trust you?

Viser: I've been keeping an eye on her and her group and they have some new tricks under their sleeves. It would be completely pointless to fight them. However there may be a way to mess with them.

Raynare: Go on.

Viser: Turns out her lapdog pawn has been busy with another devil house and its had a bit of a negative effect of them. And a normal human has been getting her attention.

Kalawarner: What's your point?

Viser: My point is if we can steal that boys attention, she'll be devastated.

We thought about it for a bit and decided.

Raynare: Alright we're in.


I was walking home when I heard a voice behind me.

???: Umm excuse me.

Turning towards the voice I saw a girl with black hair.

Y/N: Can I help you?

???: I'm Yumma Amano. Could you come help me with something?

Y/N: I don't know, and why are you asking me?

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