Let the Games Begin

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No new additions, and writers block still sucks.

Rias POV

Its been days since Y/N was taken and there still hasn't been any sign of him anywhere. Everyone was worried about Y/N, well everyone except Koneko, but I assured them that we will find him. While I was thinking in the office, the door opened. I looked and saw Sona enter.

Sona: Hey Rias, any luck?

Rias: No. Not even my brother has found a trace of him anywhere.

Sona: You would think finding a magical beast would be easy.

While we were talking a bird flew in through an open window and landed between us

Rias: What's a bird doing here?

Sona: Wait. Look.

We noticed that it was carrying two letters. After taking them from the bird, it flew away.

Rias: What are these?

I open the letter and read what it says.

Rias: You have been invited to participate in the ultimate rating game. A free-for-all against some of most well known families.

Sona: A battle royale rating game? Something like that has never been thought of, let alone attempted.

Rias: That is insane, but there's more. The winner will receive a treasure trove of supernatural knowledge.

Sona: Supernatural knowledge, seems like an odd prize.

Rias: Wait, I just remembered my brother talking about some sort of gathering that he's been looking into.

Sona: You think it could have something to do with this rating game?

Rias: Its possible.

Sona: So are you participating?

Rias: I'm not sure. With Y/N gone everyone's been feeling a bit down, and Issei has basically disappeared to who knows where.

As Sona picked up the letter something fell out of it. She picked it up and her eyes widened.

Sona: Rias, look.

I looked at what she picked up and saw it was a picture of Y/N.

Rias: Y/N.

Sona: I guess that answers that question.

Rias: Looks like I'm joining this game.

Sona: Count me in too. My peerage has grown quite fond of Y/N, so we'll help out.

Rias: Thanks Sona, I guess we should get to practicing then.

Sona: Yeah.

Rias thoughts: Don't worry Y/N we're coming.

3rd POV

Rias and Sona are in a large arena and started looking around.

Rias: Wow, they really went all out for this.

Sona: It is impressive.

Rias: Do you know who all is participating?

Sona: From what I've overheard the Glasya-Labolas and Belphegor families.

Rias: I've heard rumors about Belphegor. They've competed in multiple rating games.

Sona: Not only that but I saw Sairaorg here as well as Ajuka's niece.

Rias: What are they doing here?

Sona: I don't know, but that means this won't be easy.

They look around an saw their opponents. First was the Labolas member.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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