Chapter 9.

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It was Remus. He was just stood by him self at the top of the Astronomy tower. He turned around quick noticing me. He looked rough, like as if he had been beaten up. Scratches and bruises on his face. He made his way over to me. I looked a mess, my face red from crying and eyes red with tears still streaming down my face.

"Miss Malfoy, what is wrong" he came over to me.

"N- N- nothing" I said struggling to get the words out as I was slightly hyperventilating.

"Surely there is something wrong if you are crying like this"

I wouldn't answer him, couldn't tell him the truth what the hell would he think. Besides I could hardly get any words out.

He instructed me repeating it several times.

It helped dramatically, my breathing was still shaky but I could actually speak without stuttering.

"Now tell me, what happened Miss Malfoy"

"Professor, it doesn't matter and I'm not going to burden you with my problems" I let out a faint smile.

"It matters to me, I don't like my students being upset, but if you don't want to tell me I understand"Remus said handing me something.

"Chocolate?" I questioned.

"Thought it might make you feel at least a little better" he shrugged chuckling trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you Professor I appreciate it, but I should be asking if your okay, you look like you have been through hell"

"Just a rough night" he exclaimed.

"I can tell" I said smiling slightly
"I know I'm just a student but I would always listen to you if anything was bothering you, sorry if that is weird Professor"

"That is very kind of you, Miss Malfoy. Also might I ask what you are doing up here at this time of night, surely you should be at your Dormitory?" He questioned.

"Just needed some space to think, and try to get away from my problems. I thought no one would be up here" I hummed out.

"It is a beautiful view I see why you come up here, I best be going Now and I will leave you to It" Remus walked past me and stopping at the stairs and looking back.

"Be well Miss Malfoy"
I nodded as he walked away.

I was finally alone, the night sky was such a welcome sight that calmed anyone who looked at it. Stars lit the sky like snow flakes in the night. It was so beautiful and the darkness was never ending.

But even with the sight infront of me I couldn't help the thoughts which came flooding back about what Severus had said. I just don't understand what he said. Was he afraid. Afraid of loving or affection. He can't be nice to me then act like that, shoving me away like as if I don't mean anything to him. In all honesty I care about him and I know how that sounds. Stupid. But I do care about him and if he doesn't see that then he can leave me the hell alone.
I sat on the cold stone floor with my knees huddled up close to my chest to keep me warm, my back rested on the wall behind me.

And suddenly I heard faint footsteps approaching, which dragged me from my mind and back to reality. Whoever it is can leave me alone, because I don't want to talk to anyone, not now. I was too occupied about Severus to think about anything else.
The noise got somewhat closer. I turned my head slowly still having it placed on the wall. Only to see. Yes you guessed. Severus. Out of everyone why him. Why now. As much as my heart fluttered when I saw him coming to me I didn't feel in the mood to speak, he had already done damage to me today sorry and I didn't want anymore.


"What Severus, what do you want!"
"Why did you say what you said, did you mean it Severus?" I hissed

"It is far to risky!"

"Nobody will find out" I stated still looking at him trying to search his face for answers.

"You cannot be certain" he said sternly taking a step closer to me.

"I can't be certain yes, but I will do my dam best to make sure no one does find out I wouldn't want you to loose your job!"

He didn't answer me. He just looked at me, locking his gaze with me, he looked concerned.
Without thinking I stood up and found my self moving towards him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. He froze and stiffened so I pulled back looking deeply into him. Trying to read him. I turned around not wanting to face him my eyes once again started to sting trying to hold back the tears which developed once again. Why did he submit so many confusing emotions it raged me. I heard footsteps descend from the tower. I turned around and Severus was gone.

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