Chapter 30.

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"Professor?" I questioned.

"Celia will you follow me, I need a word" Albus croaked gesturing me to follow him.

"Of course sir"
I followed Albus all the way to his office. I stood on the stone stairs just after him as it began to twist up and stop just outside the big oak doors that led to his office.

"Now Celia, I trust you know why I brought you here" the headmaster replied taking a seat behind the desk of his.
"Sherbet lemon?" He asked handing the plate towards me.

"No thank you sir"
"I have an idea of what it is but afraid to admit the truth of what I have to do" I told him bringing my hand to the bridge of my nose and pinching it.

"The dark lord set you a task, am I correct" he added sitting back in his desk with glasses propped up on the edge of his nose looking down at me.

"Correct" I mumbled pacing about the room.
"Why me" I exclaimed turning towards him with a layer of water threatening to spill from my eyes.

"It must be Severus" Albus corrected.

"But the dark lord asked me" I murmured showing visible confusion.

"Indeed but in order for Severus to get his complete trust he must commit the task but you will be by his side so the dark lord trusts you just as much" the headmaster explained taking a sherbet lemon and popping it into his mouth delicately.

"When will this all happen?" I asked still pacing across the room with my breath quickening.

"Soon I trust"

"How are you so calm" I sighed.

"This was always going to happen Celia, I am ready and you must be too" Albus assured me.

"Okay" I replied quietly.
I winced as a burning sensation threatened my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut and rolled up my sleeve to see the mark moving and the skin around it became red. I sighed to myself knowing today would be it.

The door swung open with Severus striding in and stopping just beside me.
"Headmaster" Severus sighed sadly before turning to me. "Celia" he spoke  gesturing me to follow him.
Severus took one last glance at Albus before he walked out of the office.

I turned back and Albus gave me a small smile and walked over to me before opening his mouth to speak. "Look after Severus he needs you." He told me while patting my shoulder.

"I'll do my best Albus" I smiled sadly while a single tear dropped down my cheek.


"Severus" I whispered as I followed him out of Hogwarts.
He turned around to me stopping before placing his hand into mine.

"It will be okay" He murmured reassuring me.

"I hope so" I mumbled squeezing his hand and letting go.
Severus then held out his forearm for me to take. I gripped his arm and the world twisted away and landing us right outside the manor.

I gulped as we made our way towards the large doors. Me and Severus passed into the main hallway and were greeted by the long table in the drawing room already full of death eaters including my parents and Draco.

"Ah Celia, Severus I was beginning to worry" the dark lord spoke in his ghostly tone gesturing towards the table.

We swiftly took our seats as the dark lord started speaking.
"Draco I trust you found a way into Hogwarts" He said glaring his way.

"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement, they form a passage from the one in Borgin & Burkes" he stated his face pale with no emotion as he explained this to the dark lord.

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