Chapter 16.

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The Christmas holidays are approaching in a couple of days now. Me and Severus have still been seeing each other through the past couple of weeks.I went down to his class room most nights for 'Detention' which is what I told my friends when I went down to see him. It was fun sneaking around and trying not to get caught, we came very close a couple of times. But the danger made it even more exciting. We aren't officially 'together' we just hang out, Severus reads to me the odd time which I find cute.
I want to ask Severus about 'getting together' but I don't know how he will take it.

As I walked into the great hall for lunch I heard the buzz of people chattering away. Classes ended today as tomorrow is our last day in Hogwarts except from some students who stay over the holiday.
I glanced around the hall to find my friends who were all all the slytherin table.

"So I saw you talking to Potter the other day" Cora questioned looking at Taylah.

"So what"She said taking a sip of juice.

"I thought you didn't like Gryffindorks" I laughed as I joined in on their conversation.

"Can everyone just stop talking about potter" Taylah huffed angrily.

"Woah okay" Cora put her hands up in defence.

"Yeah sorry taylah"

Why the hell was she getting so defensive. Did she like him?


Lunch was nearly finished so I decided to head to DADA early for a chance to speak to Remus alone.
The door was slightly Ajar so I stolled right in.

"Profesor Lupin" I called out.
I got no answer. I saw his office door was half open so I walked towards it.
"Professor lupin" I called again as I pushed open the door slowly.

Remus was slouched on the big leather chair with his head in his hands. I walked over to his desk and decided to tap his shoulder.

"Professor" I asked quietly.

His head shot up looking directly at me. He has very visible eye bags, His eyes didn't have the twinkle he usually had when looking at people. His hair was quite messy and face paler then usual.

"Celia, what are you doing"
"I mean Miss Malfoy" He said clearing his throat.

"You have class Professor"
"DADA, remember"

I felt bad for Remus. Whatever was going on with him, I wanted to help. It looks like he hasn't slept for days.

"Right yes" He said standing up.
Remus was shaking as he stood.

"Professor are you alright"
"You look exhausted"

"I will be alright Miss Malfoy, don't worry"

Remus started to walk towards the door but he had a limp. I didn't know if it was inappropriate but I went over to him and helped him towards the door pulling his arm over my shoulder as he hobbled. I hate seeing anyone I care about like this.
We reach the door and he put his arm against it steadying himself.

"I appreciate it Miss Malfoy, I will be alright now"

"If your sure" I said slowly heading to my seat.

Remus looked like hell. For the most of the lesson he just sat behind his desk marking papers and asking the odd question.

"What's up with lupin" Cora whispered in my ear.

"I'm not sure but I will find out once the Christmas break is out of the way" I said quietly .

DADA had ended and the last lesson of the day was potions. I was excited to see Severus even though we have been seeing each other a lot. When I'm apart from him it's like I'm lost, he understands me. Severus still keeps some things to himself like his past but I wouldn't go digging around in it because I know he would get upset.

"IN" Severus yelled at the students hanging outside his classroom.

"Today you will be taking a test, do not Fail" He said in a monotone voice.

Severus walked around the room throwing the papers onto each desk, he began walking towards me and locked eyes, he smiled quickly. Severus then placed the test on my desk grazing my hand as he did. A blush began to form on my cheeks. Why was he so darn cute.
Luckily Cora hadn't noticed as she began writing on the paper as soon as it touched the desk.

Throughout the lesson me and Severus exchanged several glances to each other.

I wanted to ask him a question but couldn't infront of students for obvious reasons. Why don't I think the question after all he can read my thoughts.

'Hi Severus.'

I saw his eyes flicker to me.

'Shall I stay after class.'

He nodded ever so slightly.

The end of class soon arrived, students handed in their test and gaining the odd sarcastic thank you of Severus.

"Are you coming" Cora exclaimed.

"Yes I will meet you in the common room, I need to ask about the test" I rolled my eyes.

"Sure okay, see you and good luck Celia" She laughed exiting the room.

"So what are you plans for tomorrow Severus" I questioned skipping over to him.

"Marking papers, nothing exciting"he grumbled moving towards me.

"Well I was thinking we could spend some time together as there isn't any lessons" I smiled twiddling my thumbs together.

"Wouldn't your friends get suspicious" Severus murmured putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Not if I make up an excuse"

"Very well then Celia"

Severus cupped my jaw with his hands and brought me close to his face. He pecked my cheek. I couldn't deal with it, I wanted to taste his lips. I roughly grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards me. Our lips smashed together and we both melted into the kiss. It had passion and lust. Severus wrapped his hand into my hair and pulled my head backwards kissing my jawline and down my neck. I then felt Severus pushing me back into his desk. My legs hit the wood behind me and I wobbled loosing my balance.
Severus grabbed my waist to stop me tumbling.

"Careful Darling" he whispered into my ear.

This is the first time I heard Severus say this and it was like music to my ears.

"You should call me that more often, I like it" I spoke softly moving a piece of hair out of his face.

"I intend to" Severus purred taking me into his arms.

He wrapped his arms tightly around me. Placing his hand on the back of my head as I sunk into his chest. His steady heartbeat relaxed me. Severus had his other hand round my waist. He slowly rubbed circles down my lower back. He was so warm and made me feel safe.

"I could stay like this forever"I mumbled into the warmth of his chest.

"Agreed Celia, but you should get going" he said releasing me.

"Fine"I groaned.

"Come by my room tomorrow Celia, anytime will do"

"I will"I said smiling as I walked to the door.

"Have a good night Celia"Severus hushed.

"You too sev"

As I made my way back to the common room, my mind kept spinning back to how Severus called me Darling. Does that mean we was getting serious?

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