Chapter 17.

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"CELIA WAKE UP"Cora exclaimed shaking my shoulders.

"What" i grumbled pulling the covers over my face.

"ITS SNOWING" She nearly screeched.

"Did you really wake me up just for that, what time is it" I huffed.

"It's 5am BUT LOOK OUTSIDE THE WINDOW"she jumped up and down.

"But then I'm going straight back to sleep" I groaned as Cora was screaming.

It wasn't often we saw snow maybe like once a year. When it did snow at Hogwarts it was special, the castle looked very beautiful with the blanket of snow surrounding it. I pulled my legs out of bed and walked over to the window Cora was standing at.

"Isn't it pretty"She said.
"Oh look it's a full moon aswell" she said pointing.

"It's Very pretty" I hummed.

"We should go outside" She nudged me.

"We can't not at this time, the doors will be locked" I sighed.
It would be fun to go out in the snow but I was still tired and we would probably get caught anyway.

"I know a secret passage"Cora giggled.

"No you don't, really?"

"Follow me" She said grabbing a coat of her bed side table.

"Ugh fine but This is a bad idea Cora" I groaned putting a thick coat and some shoes on.

"Don't be a wuss, what could possibly go wrong Celia" She said dragging me along behind her.

We slowly made our way down the stairs from our dormitory and crept out of the common room. Oh I hope Severus or filch isn't patrolling around the corridors.

"Hurry up"Cora whispered speed walking to a old picture at the end of the dungeons.
The picture flung open with a flick of her wand. A rush of cold air sprung through us.

"That's the secret passage way" I murmured.

"Yes" She laughed.
"Isn't it brilliant"

"I guess so" I mumbled shivering a little bit as the cold air was stabbing me like knives.
Why didn't I change into some actual clothes instead of staying in pjs I thought to my self.

Cora ran out through the passage and into the snow. She spun around and fell onto her back looking up to the sky.
I followed her clutching my coat to my chest.
I should definitely of worn something more warm.

"Celia come here" she motioned to the ground next to her.
I made my way over and laid down next to Cora. The snow hit my back making me shiver, but I got used to the cold quick. We both just laid together looking up at the twinkling stars.

"It's so peaceful" she murmured.

"It was until you spoke" I laughed.

"Hey let's go walk further" Cora said struggling to stand up.
"Come on" she put out her hand to help me up.

"We need to go back soon though Cora"

"Yes yes" she said running through a fresh part of snow.

Suddenly we both heard a noise. A sort of running sound but it was a deep sound. We couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

"Holy shit" Cora screamed turning her back to me.
"Celia run!" She yelled.

I turned around only to be faced with a Big creature. There was a terrible snarling noise. The shoulders were hunched and the skin was rough and grey.
"Is- is that a werewolf Cora" I whispered but was grabbed by her as she ran dragging me behind as fast as she could.
It was no use the werewolf was faster then us. I was pulled backwards by claws gripping into my skin, tearing it apart. I let out a scream as the pain jolted up my body.

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