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After her visit to Shinobu and her bath, she was ready to bed but the girl couldn't sleep as she sat by Yohei who was sound asleep.

The door opened to Giyuu.

"Don't you ever sleep?" She asked.

"No. Not when my routine changed to watch over your kid." He admitted.

The girl glanced down at the small boy who had the same black hair as Giyuu, which was normal as everyone's hair was black with some color to it in the sun.

She grinned.

"If he was seen with the both of us, everyone would mistaken him as our kid. Stupid people always judge," She sighed.

"They already did. Yohei accidentally called me father. He gets attached to people too easily." Giyuu remembered the time the boy jumped to Giyuu and laughed, giggling as Giyuu watched over him as he helped the boy develop table manners to eat, cleaning after himself, hide and seek and tag to heighten his agility when facing demons.

"He never really remembered his father since he was away as a demon slayer. His mom was taken away from him. All he knows so far is hiding in a shed and watching me fight. He'll get attached to anyone who he can call family." (y/n) frowned, her eyes watering.

"I think he's the only one I have. I was always taught that I was only being married off to be less of a burden to my family. And if your family can't accept you or appreciate you, then they aren't your family." She wiped her watery eyes, obviously missing her family sinc ehs ehasnt seen them in nearly 2 years.

Giyuu sat at the edge of the bed, the same side she sat at. "How will you be tutoring him?" He asked.

"I'm hoping to get him a tutor but I don't trust anyone with him alone besides you. I'll just have to learn how to tutor him really early in the morning and maybe, during lunch." She shrugged.

Just as she promised, Giyuu walked by the room to see Zenitsu and (y/n) teaching Yohei as Inosuke scribbled around a notebook for them to write it as Inosuke didn't know how to write his name either.

Risking her life for her son and family, and she's developed so much in such short time. She ran away from her future husband to live a life where she could die on the line for a boy who wasn't even hers. (y/n) was risking so much with not a penny to her name yet.

'Struggling with a kid, alone as a mother and whenever she's on a mission, I get to rest or train or get bothered by Shinobu. I put in weeks worth of taking care of that boy before she even knew. Or at least, not what Yohei told her since he recognized me. She could die any day and needs to watch over the kid or put him to work.'

A light bulb lit up in his head.

Both had watched over the boy, could give him an education, give a roof over his head and give a bit of money to the two even though it's not what they want. The boy has already gotten attached to the man so why not officiate things while she is young but both can get the freedom of their jobs.

To marry the girl.

"Marry you?" The girl seemed flustered at the thought of marrying the person she believed was a friend. Yohei tilted his head, staring at (y/n)'s expressions to Giyuu's cold eyes.

"Taking turns watching the kid, educating him, letting him work here when we're both here. A small home here with wisteria trees and the pharmacy to keep his safe and work. He can help the girls clean and cook and soon he can manage himself when he learns. But obviously you don't have the money for that alone so you need help." Giyuu offered the girl.

Touched Starved ( Yandere!Giyuu Tomioka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now