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Based on her readings of her father, he had trained hand to hand combat with his mother. Then how come training was so much harder for her that she was nearly going insane?

(Y/n) yelled as she tumbled down the steep mountain side she slipped on. "What!" She groaned. "Da faq-" The girl's air was knocked out onto a almost a quack like cough when she fell on her stomach on top of a tree root. She winced and held back her cries as she sat on her knees. "Ugh." She dragged her groan as she slowly rose to her feet and glanced up to where she slipped. "Slice the boulder." Her grandmother yelled from afar, who was picking her bananas and it's leaves to dry out off the trees. "The... what?!" (Y/n) screamed. She gasped as there was a boulder coming straight at her. She got into her stance and closed her eyes, concentrating on her breathing but the rumbling of the floor shaking only indicating the boulder was coming closer. She gulped, holding her father's green sword at hand. "Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree." She whispered out, taking a deep breath, feeling her veins slowly but surely pulse through her body.
She ran towards the boulder, eyes glaring straight at the  center of the boulder. 'Eyes on your opponent. Eyes on the target.' She sighed, swinging her her blade from her left and as she approached it close enough, slashed it across to her left to wards the boulder.

The tip of the blade touched the boulder and soon cracking into the stone.
She yelled as the massive wind like psyches clawed into the boulder into tiny pebbles and the trees before her.
She blinked a couple times to get the dirt of her eyes. (Y/n) pumped her fist. "(Y/n)! What the fuck?! You could have liked me!" Her grandmother yelled. (Y/n) gasped as she realized her grandmother's hand woven basket was slashed as it was in her path when she did the wind breathing technique. Her grandmother's (e/c) stern eyes glared down at the girl. "You better be weaving me a basket after your training! Now head down the mountain!" She grumbled as she walked away. (Y/n) frowned.

As she made her way down Mountain Sagiri, she had forgotten others lived in mountains too. Or even demons lived there. Dull blue eyes stared before staring the path of destruction before him. 'She's not even a demon slayer. How could she be creating so much destruction so soon in that training? Never mind. I shouldn't be underestimating anyone. I guess Tanjiro will be up against her at the Final Selection.'

Just like her father, she wrote what she did for each week as it was different exercise she had to practice.

(Y/n) groaned as she was at the top of of her grandmother's mountain home, where the air was thin and the wind was sending sag ears at her bare skin. Her grandmother was holding her (f/c) haori and hadajuban shirt so her mother wouldn't suspect a thing. She was left in her thin bra that covered her breast as she had to become one with the wind and dance with it. "Ack! What the fuck?!" She screamed. "Quite whining!" Her grandmother yelled as (y/n)'s has became tangled with the wind from its neat state. She screamed as was being blown away.

(Y/n) tumbled in her shoulder as she rolled and quickly got in her stance. Her grandmother nodded. "You softened your landings. Now land a punch on me. You're a girl, people will underestimate you because you are just wielding a sword. No one will believe you are stronger than you appear to be. By showing your speed in fists, they'll be stunned enough to allow you to cut them. It's not how strong you are, sometimes the wisest live the longest. Now, attack!" Her grandmother yelled and on demand, (y/n) charged at the lady and was planning to right hook her, she was punched from her jaw and fall back. "You forgotten your cover yourself! You were asking to die in that single blow! Get up! Let's try this again!" Her grandmother scolded her. "You'll never be able to make it to the Final Selection at this rate." She muttered. (Y/n) frowned.

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