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As the two (l/n)'s wall down a dirt path with rice fields at the side of each other, (y/n) grinned as Yohei was excited to see his aunt fight. Although both knew the outcome of she had lost but wanted to keep him safe as long as possible.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Do you think we have any relatives where we're going?" He asked. "Who knows. The world is large. Maybe some day we'll meet someone." She said as the both noticed a blonde boy crying near the edge of a rice field plain. Yohei nudged (y/n) to him. "You're better at helping people stop crying." He whispered which she obeyed and approached him. The boy had a yellow and orange ombré haori with white triangles getting large near the bottom of the jacket. "Sir, are you hurt?" She asked, approaching the man from a distance and squatted near his height to see his eyes.

He glanced up and stared at her (e/c) eyes with his brown gold eyes that were blurry with tears and snot dripping from his nose. 'He looks so pitiful.' She thought. Then the man tackled her down and sobbed. "I love you so much! You're so kind! Please marry me!" He screamed. She got up on her feet and attempted to her him off. "Hey! You're that guy at the Final Selection! G-get off!" She struggles in his arms. "Please marry me! I could die any day now and I don't want to die alone and unloved!" He sobbed. She groaned and grabbed his head to face him. "I ran away from an engagement! What makes you think I'll ever marry you?!" She yelled at him.

He kept screaming and cry on her that his snot was all over her shirt. (Y/n) was ready to beat him up until a small foot landed on his head. She gasped and looked over at Yohei who seemed upset. "No one gets to marry nii-nii! Especially if I don't like them!" He yelled. The blonde man began to foam from the mouth and had a light blush pink bump on his head. "Please marry me." He mumbled. Then a hand grabbed the man off her.

(Y/n) glanced to see a red purple haired boy with hanafuda earrings take the boy off her and scold him. "You're... Tanjiro Kamado." She remembered him. He looked over and gasped to see her. "(Y/n)-san, nice to meet you." He nervously smiled as the conditions they had to meet. "Hey back off! I saw her first!" The blonde yelled. "Who the hell are ya anyways?!" (Y/n) asked as if he was drunk or joking to marry her, she wouldn't allow it. "I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma. And what's wrong with you?! She was madly in love with me!" The blonde or as he said, Zenitsu yelled at Tanjiro. "No she's not! She thought you were some demon and ready to slay you!" Yohei yelled. Who knew this kid didn't want (y/n) married as much as she didn't. "Didn't you say you ran away from an engagement?" Zenitsu asked the (h/c) haired girl.

She gulped. "Yeah, and?" She crosses her arms. "We shouldn't be talking about relationships. Why the hell are you out here as a demon slayer but really weak?" She asked. He gulped. "I got my ass into debt and I only know one way to pay it so I went through hellish training." Zenitsu sobbed.

The sound of their crows from above yelled out, "Zenitsu Agastuma, Tanjiro Kamado, (y/n) (l/n), all report to south - southeast. Rumors of a demon lays there." He said. "Our first kill. I wonder how this will end." (Y/n) gave herself confidence. Zenitsu sobbed as he was dragged along by Tanjiro.

"I'm hungry. I've been running away for days." Zenitsu sighed. (Y/n) reached in her bag and pulled out two onigiris and split one with Tanjiro and Zenitsu. "A woman's cooking. I love it." Zenitsu mumbled with his mouth full. (Y/n) split half with Yohei who stared at Zenitsu. "Ne ne, he looks like a perv." He whispered. "Don't say that." (Y/n) lightly scolded him.

"(Y/n), why are you a demon slayer? What's wrong about your marriage?" Zenitsu asked as the four walked down the dirt road. "My family has a curse that any male demon slayer married or living in the family dies after their first kid. So I didn't want that to happen to anyone else since we've been bankrupt by my sisters spoiling themselves that I decided to train as a demon slayer but I got held with this kid so we ran away." (Y/n) summarizes here life so far. Zenitsu gulped. "On second thought, let's not marry." Zenitsu mumbled.

"But how did the curse first start?" Tanjiro asked. (Y/n) frowned. "My dad was a demon slayer before until he faced a demon he couldn't slay and ran from his previous wife and kids. The demon called him a coward and killed the family except my dad. He put a curse on him so he could enjoy watching my dad to suffer by losing more family members. He kept a journal and described the man as human, wearing only black and white, looking pale with black hair and looked perfect. He had black hair-" "I think we're on the same reason we're demon slayers." Tanjiro said, cutting the girl off. "The man you're describing is Muzan Kibitsuji. He's the one I'm after too. He killed my family while I was away." Tanjiro explained. 'So that's the name. If he killed Tanjiro's family and mine, we aren't just wild kills. He's playing mind games. A torturous one at that.'

(Y/n) gasped as she saw children at the corner of her eyes. "Tanjiro, Zenitsu, there." She whispered as she turned to face them who were startled. She lowered herself at their height. "It's alright. We're here to protect you. Now tell me, what are you doing here?" She asked to the young boy and a small girl by his side. "Our older brother Kiyoshi was taken away by a demon and we followed him into there. The demon lives there." The tiny girl pointed at the large house ahead. "What does your brother look like?" She asked. "He-he's wearing a yellow haori." They mumbled. Just then a body fell out a window. (Y/n) covered the children's eyes as it plumbed to the ground, hearing a crack once it landed on the ground. "Tanjiro, that's not the kid. He's not wearing a yellow haori." (Y/n) assured the red haired boy as he approached him. "I guess you're right. Hm, (y/n), let's go inside. Zenitsu-" Tanjiro turned to the blonde who was afraid and hid with the kids. (Y/n) sighed. "Yohei, stay with Zenitsu and the kids." She pointed at the crying boy. "Fine." He mumbled. Then Tanjiro put down the wooden box he carried on his back next to Yohei. "Protect it. This matters more to me than my own life." Tanjiro explained. (Y/n) noticed Yohei touching the box and then his eyes wide but remained silent. Despite being a kid, he was well mature and knew when to step in. "Don't leave me out here!" Zenitsu yelled.

He followed after the girl and Tanjiro inside.

(Y/n) looked around, noticing they were in a genkan walk way. "There are two doors. There's a sound."(y/n) whispered. "But I can't describe it." She mumbled. "A drum. There's a drum near by." Zenitsu mumbled. He held onto (y/n)'s arm for protection she didn't care anymore.

"Mister?" (Y/n) turned around to see the two kids and Yohei next to them. "We heard scratching in the box and-" "What are you doing here? You need to leave." Tanjiro whispered. Zenitsu began to scream and tremble as he opened a door. "This one seems good to hide in!" He yelled. "Stop screaming or the demon might hear us." (Y/n) scolded him. (Y/n) turned to Yohei. "Take the kids outside. Protect them and the box." (Y/n) said until she was pushed into a room while Zenitsu jumped up by having contract with (y/n) and fell into the room before him. "W-who-who touched me?!" He yelled as (y/n) was in another room. "(Y/n)." Yohei followed him as the other brother went to Zenitsu. "You pushes her, dummy!" He yelled. The girl lightly screamed as she hugged Tanjiro. "I'm scared!" She cried. "Now now. I'm here. I'll protect you. But you'll have to get out." Tanjiro said. "It's safety to be outside anyways. We'll find Kiyoshi." She said as she got up as Yohei held onto her haori.

Then a drum played and the door closed. "Tanjiro!?" She called out.

"(Y/n)?!" He yelled out as he reached for the door she was in but she wasn't there. It was another room. "Zenitsu?!" He yelled and gasped to see he wasn't there anymore. Nor was the small boy. "Zenitsu?!" He calles out again. "Damn it. I guess we'll have to press on forward." Tanjiro held the small girl's hand and walked inside.

(Y/n) and Yohei were unknowingly being watched as. (Y/n)'s scent of blood from her scrap attracted several demons lurking sighing the mansion.

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