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He turned his head to her. She frowned. "I didn't know what else to do." She gulped. "Speak up. Why the hell did you bring your kid to where he can easily die at? Tanjiro is acceptable because his sister is a demon. What's your excuse? Might as well bring a whole school of kids out there." He said, standing up from the engawa porch outside. She sighed.
"I ran away from home and I was stuck with him so I want to prot-" "You're an idiot. How could you protect him when you passed out on me-... on him after defeating one demon? One?! You should have just left him at your past home." He scolded her. She frowned.
"I was paired with him as his mom but he's just my nephew. His mom stole from us and so she was kicked out as I was the only girl in the family so they made me raise him. During that time I was engaged and wanted to be a demon slayer to I ran away with him." She explained.
His eyes glared at her.
"You're getting married and didn't tell your husband you ran off with a kid that's not even neither of yours?!" Giyuu couldn't believe the absurdity of the girl.
'Hmm, come to think of it, that does sound bad.' She thought.

"I don't... it was an arranged marriage. I'm the only daughter left. So-" "It doesn't matter of your life is shit. All that matters is that you're actually alive and lucky you haven't been devoured by a demon yet. But instead you bring a damn kid with you? Are you asking to die?" He said.

He noticed her face was in a deep frown. "Well, what do you think I should do?" She asked. "Probably quit being a demon slayer. Why the hell did you become one anyways?" He asked. She gulped. "I... my family has. Curse where every male demon slayer days after marriage or after their first born because of my father running away from Kibitsuji long ago in his first marriage and his first kid. So, I wanted to save Yohei by taking revenge." She realized she sounded stupid. "I guess I really have to quit believing I can be a hero." She muttered in shame.

Then the bathroom door opened to reveal Yohei look at the man. He gasped as he stared at Giyuu.
Giyuu's eyes widened. "You're the boy in the cabin all alone?" He whispered. "Oh, you're the-"
"For the Final Selection, you have to survive a week alone. So you left a kid alone, for a week? Demons could have gotten him!" Giyuu only seemed more enraged. (Y/n) looked down at Yohei who kept staring at the man. "I'm sorry." She said to Giyuu. "I'll... change my ways." She said before leaving.

Giyuu watched her leave as Yohei looked back at him. 'That's the man that hummed time to sleep.'

Giyuu could recall a girl with purple tips at the ends of her hair.
'You know, no body likes you.' She said with a giggle.

(Y/n) sat up, petting Yohei's head as he fell asleep.

Giyuu slightly peeked in her room as she had to sleep separately from the other males.
She was hugging the sleeping boy but she quietly sobbed.
Come to think of it, he hadn't made it come to mind how difficult was to raise a 5-6 year old on her own with no money as in the forest near demons and protect him and educate him too.
Who knows how many sleepless nights she went through just to keep guard for the boy or even cried silently as she missed her last life as some spoiled girl where ever she was from.

And here she was again, sobbing to herself silently to not wake up the boy.

(Y/n) but her lower lip as she wiped a tear that fell on Yohei's face. Her (h/c) hair wasn't in a bun all day as she was healing. It was let down at its natural length. "I'm sorry, Yohei. I'm such a terrible mom." She frowned, recalling her family deeming her as the mother of his from then on.

'I can't just abandon him here. I can't leave him. He's my only family now. Grandma is dead. My tutor is dead. Why do I have to be so stupid? I was yelled at by my own savior.' She sniffled back a tear. 'Oh god I really am weak.' She wiped away the tears. 'I do have to quit being a demon slayer for this kid. But I can't go back home. My life was happier with Tanjiro and Inosuke and Zenitsu in my life. I can't be trapped in my own home.' She could feel a pair of eyes on her but when she looked at the door, there was no one there.

The next day came, (y/n) bowed in front of the girl with purple tips at the ends of her hair. "I think I'll resign." She frowned. She stared at her with that soft smile of hers. "We're you scares that badly by the demon?" She asked. "No. Each demon gives me adrenaline and anger to keep going. Like I have a purpose. But, I have a boy to raise so, I think it would be best if I resigned." (Y/n) frowned. The girl who maintained the estate was called Shinobu, who looked at (y/n).

(Y/n) reminded her of her older sister who protected her even before being a demon slayer and fought side by side together until her death.

"As long s you still have the strength to keep your motives up, you should continue being a demon slayer. But the child, you'll have to leave him behind. It's like having a job and having a child." She reminded her. (Y/n) gulped and looked t the woman shyly. "Do you accept boys to work here too?" She asked.

(Y/n) looked at Yohei who was doing the laundry with the other three short girls as she trained with Tanjiro whole Inosuke and Zenitsu gave up midway.

'I'm sorry, Yohei. Maybe they'll treat you better than I have. Maybe you won't be scarred for life after seeing so many demons. You almost saw me die. I'm sorry.' She frowned.

It's been months and they were all getting ready for the big mission.
Zenitsu a frowned, not ready for the trip ahead while Inosuke and Tanjiro were prepared. (Y/n) frowned, lied to Yohei she'd be gone for a while and Yohei would be safe here. He couldn't stop crying.

She waited for Tanjiro and Zenitsu to stop Inosuke from going rampage in Zenitsu, outside the gate. There, she spotted Giyuu appearing before her. "Hello." She said shallowly. "Where's Tanjiro and the two other males?" He asked. "Inside." She said.
Giyuu could hear the cold tone in her voice as he sighed about to walk past her. "I understand why you hold a grudge on me. I basically told you to abandon a kid who means a lot to you." He said about to walk away. "But It's so he won't be broken when he sees you die."
"I'm not mad at you. I'm just... I'm leaving him here to work. I've gotten attached him." She admitted. Giyuu scoffed. "You hate me. No one likes me and neither do-"
"I like you." She cut him off.
Giyuu took a step back and looked over at the girl.

"As much as I want to yell at you for trespassing into my cabin and being near Yohei while I was gone, Yohei told me he remembered seeing you help him to sleep when the cabin got dark and the magic food that appeared or the candle on when ever he came back from the bathroom or when he realized he forgot to water the wisterias. Thank you again for protecting him while I was gone. I can't hate someone when they're motives are kind hearted." She unknowingly complimented the man.

"G-Giyuu Tomioka." He hesitantly spat out, standing in front of the girl. "Tomioka?" She asked. He nodded. "Well, thank you to properly meet you instead of me fainting on you." She lightly grinned.

Zenitsu appeared a hugged the girl. "(Y/n)~ it's been forever since I've seen you with your hair up!" He chuckled with small pink flowers floating above his head. Inosuke pushes Zenitsu off the girl. "Can you stop being a pervert?!" He yelled. "You're the animal!" Zenitsu yelled. "S-stop! We're in front of a Hashira!" Tanjiro yelled. "(Y/n)!" A small boy yelled out. (Y/n) turned around and noticed Yohei running to her with a small knife at hand. "Look what I made all by myself!" He grinned. "Yohei! Don't run with a knife! And what are yo-" "I don't wanna here all alone so I asked Shinobu-sama to teach me about medicine and she noticed I smell like wisteria which already keeps me safe and thinks I deserve to go with you and gave me my own knife. It has wisteria poison!" He chuckled.

(Y/n) held back tears.

This has got be to a dream.
"You... were going to leave him?" Tanjiro asked. (Y/n) hugged the small boy and wiped away a few tears. "(Y/n)?" Zenitsu asked.

How could she ever abandon this kid? This wasn't a brother anymore. It was more like a son without even knowing it.
How could she not see this before?

So many things flew past her head she didn't even realize.

Touched Starved ( Yandere!Giyuu Tomioka x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα