Chapter 11

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She fixes her hair and one last touch on her make up. Not really obvious, it just lights makeup since she's not a fan of heavy makeup. She more like the natural look. 

She wears her sunglasses and her bag before going out. Taehyung who chilling on the couch saw her. 

"Look pretty as always, little one." He praises" his little sister.

"Thank you. I need to go now." Chae responds.

"Before you go, can you do one favor for me? Since I can't do it." Taehyung uses his puppy eyes on her. 

"Just say it." 

"Invite Jungkook and Mr. Park for our dinner." He spills it out.

Chaeyoung looks at him with confusion. He never invites someone over unless it was his friend. What makes her confused is, how he knows Jungkook?

"How you know Jungkook? And why you want to invitees them for dinner?" She asks.

"Jungkook is my long lost best friend. For your second question, I just want to get to know them since Mr. Park is Jungkook friend also." Taehyung explains.

"Ohh. If that so then...okay." Chae nods and went out. 



The driver greets her and opens the door for her. She gets in, at that time also her phone let out a sound 'ding'. 

'Hi. I'm Lisa. You know me right?' - Lisa

'Yes. You are Jungkook girlfriend.' - Chae.

'If you didn't mind...can we have breakfast together at the cafe of your company?' - Lisa.

Chaeyoung thinks about it first. Plus, she hasn't breakfasted and she can feel her stomach growling for food. Besides, she wants' to get to know Lisa also.

She looks like a kind girl to be with. She smiles while replying to her message that she agreed. 


She glances at her watch and she only has 30 minutes before her work time. She looks around and found Lisa sitting alone while slurping her drink. 

Chaeyoung walks toward her and knocks on the table gently. "Good morning."

Lisa lifted her gaze and smiled. "Good morning too." 

"Am I late? I'm sorry if I did." She apologized. 

"No, you're not. I just got here also." Lisa chuckles. 

"Oh. Um...I will come back. I need to buy some food." Chae excuse herself and walks away after receiving a nod from Lisa.

Lisa watches her from the back. It really her twin. Even from her back, she looks like Rose. A smile appeared on Lisa's face. As she thinks that godsend Rose's twin here for them.

Rose must be up there smiling at them. She never expected Rose has a twin before. When Jungkook told her that it was really her yesterday, she doesn't how to feel. Happy? More than happy. And she wouldn't let anything happens to her again.

"I'm back." Chae sits with her food. She opens the plastic and starts eating the bread. 

"How is your work this lately?" Lisa starts a conversation.

"Good. Mr. Park changes lately." She responds.

"Change? What you mean?" Lisa furrows her eyebrows. 

"Before this, he really means and rude to me. After Jungkook told me about he lost his lover, I forgive him since it must be hard for him. Then, yesterday, he is kind to me." She explains. 

"Do you love him?" Lisa asks out of the blue. 

Chaeyoung stops eating and looks at her in surprise. That question just blurts out from her. She never thought about love before since she never fell in love. 

"Why you suddenly asking that? I just met him and besides, he is my boss." Chae chuckles nervously. 

Lisa's face stays blank. She looks down at her drink. "I just hope you don't fall in love with him." She mutters. 

"Hm?" Chae raises her eyebrows.

"Nothing. Eat fast. You will be late for work." She smiles.


Chaeyoung stretches her arms out and groaning. She felt like her bone is cracking. But it didn't. Just jokes. She stares at the computer. 

Lisa's question flying inside her mind. 

Do you love him?

She let out a heavy sigh. She doesn't why that question stuck inside her mind. 

"I must be going crazy." Chae talks to herself and gets up. 

She forgets that she must invite Mr. Park and Jungkook for dinner. Chaeyoung walks to Jungkook office and knocks on his door. 

"Come in~" 

She opens the door, "Jungkook, are you busy?" 

"Nope. Why?" He asks.

"My brother invites you for dinner," Chae said.

"Really!? Finally!!" Jungkook jumps in excited. Chaeyoung chuckles at his behavior. 

"Anyway, I don't know that you are Tae long lost a best friend," Chae speaks.

"I am. We separated because of one girl. But now, we reunited!!" He shows her his bunny smiles. 

"Tha's great. Come at 7 pm." Chae said before closing the door. She can hear Jungkook yelling 'YES' at her.

She chuckles and walks to Jimin office. When she about to knock on his door, she freezes. Somehow, she felt nervous and she doesn't know why.

It just like, his aura is different from other people. The way she feels with him is different. Like, she knows him better than anyone else. She shakes her head and knocks on his door.

"Come in." A hard voice spoke.

"Mr. Park, can I come in? I need to talk with you." Chae said. 

Jimin lifted his gaze and found she standing at the doorway. His gaze softened. He puts down his pen and signs her to come in. 

"What is it?" Jimin asks. Trying to sound gentle.

"My brother invites you for dinner," Chae told him. 

He raises his eyebrows. "Dinner?" 

Chaeyoung nods. 

Jimin didn't expect Taehyung will invite him. And he doesn't know why. He looks down and then back at Chaeyoung. 

"Who else he invite?" He asks.

"You and Jungkook. I don't know if Jungkook brings someone else or not. You can bring someone if you want." She says.

"What time?" 

"At 7 pm." She answers.

Jimin nods. "Are you going to be there?" 

Chaeyoung looks at him confused and surprised. Why would he ask about her attend or not? 
"I...Of course, I did. I live in the same house as him." Chae chuckles.

He nods slowly. 

"Weird." Chaeyoung thought.


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