Chapter 20

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Nayeon waiting for Jimin outside the company in a panic. She keeps tapping the ground with her foot while glancing at her watch.

"Where is he? This is urgent!!" She mutters.

Then, she saw Chaeyoung walking out with the box. She gasps in relief and rushes toward her.
"Ro- I mean, Chae!!!" Nayeon yells.

"Huh?" Chaeyoung lifted her gaze. "Nayeon, right?" She asks. Nayeon nods her head.
"Oh, hey!! What's wrong? You look rushing." She asks.

"Before I answer that I want to ask you first. What is this?" Nayeon points at the box she's holding.

"This? This is Jimin's stuff. We cleaning his office and this is his useless stuff." She explains.

"I see. Anyway, talking about Jimin, where is he?" Nayeon asks.

"He's on his way. A coworker calling him and he has something to do. Why? Do you need anything? I can call him." Chae offers with a soft smile.

Nayeon smiles back and pats her shoulder. "It okay. I want to talk with him privately."

"Oh! Okay. Just wait here. He will walk out any minute." Chae said and bowed politely at her before walks toward Jimin's car.

While Nayeon standing there, staring at her. She let out a sigh, "No matter how hard I'm holding myself from telling her about Rose, I still couldn't hold myself."

She just sighs again. Even she's not Rose friend since a child, she still loves her. Rose is someone who kind. At first, when Jimin asks her to guard her at school, she thought Rose is someone who slut.

But, no. She's not.

"Nayeon?" Jimin voice calling her. She snaps out of her thought.

"Oh, Jimin. There you are!!" She holds his shoulder. "I need to tell you something very important!!"

"Better be. Because I have a lot of work right now." Jimin narrows his eyes on her.

"Before that, Chae said you clean your office. That's unexpected." She chuckling.

"I'm not a lazy as you. Besides, I want to hang out with her." His gaze moved to Chae who putting the box inside his car.

Nayeon looks at him and to Chae and back to him. The smile...

He's happy...

"Jimin..." She looks hesitant to tell him.

While Jimin just stares at her with confusion. "What's wrong?"

Nayeon looks down.

"You said you have something to tell me. What is it?" He asks.

She takes a deep breath and lets it out. She lifted her gaze with a smile. "I'm just passing here and saw you. I want to tell you that good luck with her." Nayeon lied.

"What the- yah!! You said it important!!" Jimin scolds her.

"Yes, it is. It related to Chae." Nayeon smirks at him.

He groaning in annoyance and walks away.
"Bye, Jimin!!" Nayeon teases him.

She standing there watching them went off. As soon as their car figure was gone, her smile faded. Her hands clenching into a fist.

Maybe next time...

"I thought you going to tell him today." Kyungsoo appeared behind her.

"I thought so too." She replied and turns around. "But, seeing him happy make me hesitated. Are we going to ruin his day?"

"What choice do we have? If we not going to tell him, Chae will be in danger and he will do anything." Kyungsoo said. "You know that Jimin doesn't want she to remember about Rose yet?" He continues.

"Maybe next time but not today. Today, I can see happiness in his eyes." Nayeon said with a smile.


Chaeyoung huff's in annoyance while Jimin can't help but giggles.

"Why you keep huffing?" He asks even he knows why.

"I can't believe it!!" Chae groaning.

"You have to believe it." He teases her.

"No!! I mean...we been going to 5 McDonald's restaurant and yet, all BTS meal being sold out!!!!" She yells.

"What should we do? We can't just force them to make one for you. Even I'm a CEO I can use my power against that." Jimin states.

"I being craving for it." She fake cried. "The advertisement of BTS meal keep appearing whenever I watch youtube!!"

She starts to complain about it. Jimin finds it cute and it feels so long he didn't hear this voice. Even it not the same person but the vibe is the same.

The blood is the same.

The presence is the same.

The feeling is the same.

The aura is the same.

The DNA is the same.

It feels like, Rose sent her to him as a replacement for herself. It sad, yes it is. But Jimin can't reject the feeling of happiness when with her.

"And I don't have an appetite to eat anything!!" Her complaining voice makes he snap out of his thought.

"Okay. How about this? We go to another restaurant and have lunch there?" He suggested.

"I want a BTS meal." She mumbles, expected Jimin not to heard it. "But it okay. Let's go eat somewhere else."

"Great. Because I'm starving finding your BTS meal. You know that meal is popular this day. Of course, it will be sold out." Jimin laughing at her.

"I least one store has it." She pouting.

"Next time we go buy it." Jimin patting her head.

She just nods and keeps pouting while looking outside the window.

After found a place to eat, they get out of the car. Chaeyoung found them at a fancy restaurant. She gulps and turns to Jimin.

"Jimin, umm...this too fancy. Why don't we just eat somewhere else? More cheap but delicious!!" She claps her hands with a big smile.

"I will pay, Chae." Jimin chuckled and walks.


"About the price? Don't worried. Come on." He insisted.

Chaeyoung just sighs, holding her strips slingback, and follows him. Soon they walk in, everyone there looks so fancy and...well...more like rich people.

Even she from a rich family, she loves a lower standard more. Jimin talks with one waiter and she leads them to the table.

"Here, sir and miss." The waiter said.

They took a seat. "Here. Is there something you want to order?"

Jimin shows her the book and whispered something to her. The waiter nods and bowed before walks away.

"Um...I haven't ordered anything." Chae said in confusion.

"It okay. I order something for you. I'm sure you will like it." He smirks at her.

"Really?" Chae frowns. He nods and checks his phone.


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