Chapter 17

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Chaeyoung packing her stuff while Jimin waits for her downstairs. She told him that he can wander around.

Even he already come here before, he still feels new. His eyes looking around and found their photos on the wall.

He saw Chae standing beside Taehyung with a smile. She looks cute there and makes Jimin chuckle. Then two adults behind them with a soft smile.

"I forgot that...Chae is their adopted daughter." He murmurs.

When Jimin remembers what Taehyung told him...he feels sad.

"I adopted her when I was...I don't remember when but it a long time already."

His hand touches her pictures.

"She had an accident and it hit her head so hard until she loses all her memory."

Jimin let out a heavy sigh.
"Why Rose never speak about it? Or...she involves in an accident also? Or her stepfather did something to her until she loses her memory."

When he spoke to himself, something hit him. Her stepfather.

That's it. I should ask that old man.

It weird. Chaeyoung didn't remember she had twin because of the accident but Rose? She never speaks about it or mentions it. Or did she?

Even Lisa also didn't know about it. While Jimin busy thinking about it, a soft pat on his back makes him startled.

"Oh!! I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...s-startled you." Chaeyoung lowers her gaze in ashamed.

He turns around and smiles softly. His eyes landed on her luggage and guitar.

"It okay. Anyway, you already packing?" He asks. She nodded.

"I don't know that you play guitar also." Jimin grabs her luggage to help her.

"Because I love to sing and playing guitar. Or any other instrument." She replies.

Jimin just hummed and nodded. They went downstairs and wait for Chae to shut everything off.


The ride was silent. For Jimin, nothing but for Chaeyoung, it was awkward. In the same car with your boss after experiencing his warm hug.

Who wouldn't awkward about it?

It not a normal hug or co-worker hug. It is different. Whenever she thought about it, she felt heat on her cheeks.

"Chae." His voice makes her jump.


"How many times do I have to tell you, you don't need to wear sunglasses. Besides, it's night. Even it, not night, you don't need to hide your unique eyes." Jimin scolded her.

She looks down. Her hand reaches for her sunglasses and sighs.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Pa-"

"Jimin. I'm more comfortable if you call me Jimin." He cuts her sentence.

"Umm...o-okay." Chae clears her throat due to this awkward casual. "No matter how many times you told me how unique it is or how beautiful it is, I can't change it."

Jimin glance at her.

"When I was young, people always say I'm a weirdo, ugly, monster, or anything mean to me. Just because of these eyes." She explains while playing with her finger.

"But...thanks to my step-parents and Tae. They help me with everything. Even I still can't show my unique eyes, at least I can handle my anxiety and panic attack."

"You have panic attacks and anxiety?" Jimin asks in surprise.

"Yeah. But it getting less. I manage to handle it. My doctor reminded me not to overthink or stress myself or not, my panic attack will come." Chae told him.

"No wonder why Taehyung wants me to take care of you." He chuckles.

"Well, it about other reason also. I'm very naughty- not really. Just very curious." She giggles in shy.

Jimin let out a small laugh. For the first time, he felt light inside his heart. Usually, after went from work, he always moody or grumpy.



inally, they arrive. Chaeyoung went out of the car and her jaw drops. The house looks so modern and fancy.

He is...a millionaire.

Jimin who just goes outsaw her expression. Without him realizes it, a smile appeared on his face. It same with Rose when she gets here for her first time.

"Is this...your house?" She asks.

"Yes. Let's get inside. I will tell my bodyguard to-"

"No thanks. I can do it myself." Chae takes out her luggage and brings it with her.

Her action makes Jimin surprised a little bit. Just a little bit? Well, he is already used to this attitude.

Now I can see clearly why she is Rose's twin.

He just shakes his head and follows her.

As soon as they get in, Chae squealing brightly. She jumping like a kid.

"It so beautiful!! Why my house is not like this!? Taehyung should spend his money more on our house!!" She chuckles.

Her statement makes Jimin laughs. "I don't think Tae will like it."

"I will force him." She grins at him.

More hyper than Rose.

Chaeyoung eyes sparkling while looking around. Suddenly, a voice interrupted them.

"Welcome home, Sir Jimin."

She turns around and saw a maid. When that maid lifted her gaze, her eyes wide open. More like shocked?

While Chae just stands there in confusion.

"M-Miss Rose?" The maid spokes.

"Huh?" Chae frowns.

Before the maid talks, Jimin butt in.
"Sira, this is Park Chaeyoung. Have you prepared the room for her?"

"Y-Yes. Um...w-welcome home- I mean, welcome, Ms. Park." Sira bowed again.

"Hi!! It nice to meet you!!" Chae went to hugs her. Sira stiff by her boldness.

Then, she broke the hug and giggles. "I'm sorry. I can feel your tension. Did I make you uncomfortable?" Chae asks sweetly.

"N-No!! It" Sira looks down, no words.

"Chae, how about you go upstairs and wait for me. I will show you your room." Jimin spokes.

She just nods and went upstairs with her luggage. When she out of their sight, he walks toward Sira.

"S-Sir isn't that-"

"No. That is not Rose. That was...her twin. Rose's twin." Jimin told her.

"T-Twin!?" Sira gasp.

"Yes. And Chae doesn't know she had a twin. Make sure you didn't spill any tea. Understand?" Jimin uses his stern and dominant voice.

Sira lowers her gas and nods. "Yes, Sir Jimin."

He nodded and walks away. Sira let out a relieved sigh.

It makes me miss Ms. Rose even more...


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