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This summer has been the worst one in a while. Death Eaters have been wreaking havoc. They caused a bridge collapse right in the heart of London. Everyone is afraid that behind the next corner Voldemort could be waiting there to kill them. I've spent the summer at the Burrow with my family. Remus has been so busy with the Order I feel like I barely get a chance to see him.

I sit in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea. It's getting late but I can't sleep. I smile at Ginny as she walks into the room.

"Have you seen my book?" Ginny asks.

"In the living room," I tell her.

She walks away to get her book coming back a moment later. She stops in front of the stairs.

"Mum!" Ginny shouts.

"Ginny, what is it?" Mum asks.

"I was only wondering when Harry got here," Ginny states.

"What? Harry... Harry, who?" Mum asks.

"Harry Potter, of course," Ginny states.

I get up and walk towards the living room. Sure enough Hedwig is sitting there in her cage with Harry's trunk.

"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?" Mum counters.

"She's right mum. His trunk's in the living room... and his owl," I state.

"But no, dear. I seriously doubt that," Moll says.

Ron sticks his head out into the staircase. "Harry? Did someone say Harry?"

"Me, nosey. Is he up there with you?" Ginny asks.

"Of course not. I think I'll know if my best friend's in my room, wouldn't I?" Ron remarks.

Hermione pokes her head out of the room she's been staying in. "Is that an owl I heard?"

"You haven't seen him, have you?" Ginny asks.

"Apparently, he's wandering about the house. Must have walked right past me," I state.

"Really?" Hermione asks.

"Really." It's Harry.

"Harry!" Mum shouts.

Ginny is the first to hug him. I follow suit. Ron, Hermione, and Mum walk into the room.

"Harry." Hermione pulls Harry in for a hug.

Mum pulls Harry into a hug. "What a lovely surprise! Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" Mum asks.

"I didn't know. Dumbledore," Harry tells Mum with a smile.

"Oh, that man! What would we be without him?" Mum remarks.

Ron points to Hermione. "A bit of... toothpaste."

We head to Diagon Alley. It's nothing like the first time I ever saw it. Most of the stores are closed and few people are around. Most people are scared. Another war is coming. The only store bustling is Fred and George's, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. They opened it after they left Hogwarts. They are doing rather well. I think Mum is just happy that they actually had a plan after dropping out.

I don't see my brothers but I can definitely hear them. "Step up, step up!"

"We got fainting fancies," Fred says.

"Nosebleed nougats," George states.

"And just in for time for school..." Fred starts.

"Puking Pastilles," George finishes.

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