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You stood on the sidewalk until you couldn't see Spencer's car anymore. "Jesus, who the fuck told him he could act like that-" You scoffed under your breath as you shuffled through the big glass doors of Amoris Publishing Inc. the office was crowded as usual, with clients and coworkers shuffling around, most of them being tired middle-aged men, with a few women here and there, ready to retire twenty years early. You wondered how much you stood out to them, being young, innovative, with perhaps a bit of a strange sense of style and a crooked sense of humour. You had a pretty bad caffeine addiction but that wasn't anything new to these people, when you worked at a place like this sleep was almost unheard of. "Y/N!" A familiar voice called from the elevators, you turned to see Matt shoving through a sea of head to toe grey-suited clones to get to you.

"Hey, Matt!" You said wrapping him in a quick hug, "How was your weekend?" You smiled up at him, he was a little taller than you, but barley, it was nice to be able to make eye contact without having to stare basically at the ceiling. He smiled back and began to tell you about his weekend as you made your way to the elevators, up to the seventh floor and to your desk. "Wow, that sounds amazing!" You said having really only listened to half of what he said, Spencer's attitude still occupying your mind.

"What about you?" He said lightly touching your arm, you glanced around pushing his hand off of you "oh, sorry" He muttered awkwardly. You waved your hand,

"Oh please, It's fine," you smiled at him again and began to tell him about your fairly uneventful weekend, being sure to leave Spencer out of your story. After Matt left to go to his desk, you slumped down in your chair, you desperately wanted to call Spence and ask him what his whole deal was but you knew better than to bother him while he was on a case. A part of you suspected he could be jealous of Matt, but you quickly forced that theory out of your mind. 'Please Y/N, It's Spencer Reid we're talking about, he'd never like you like that, you're friends, just friends' You massaged your temple and opened your laptop, you were going to let Spencer cool off, let him realize he was a bitch over something you were clearly happy about.

3 days later

You slammed your apartment door behind you as you ripped off your jacket, wrapping your arms around Matt's neck, kissing him passionately. You hadn't heard from Spencer, not a single text or call, not even an email, you were kind of pissed off but you tried to ignore the thought of him as Matt pushed you against the wall kissing you harder. "So this is the place?" He said in between kisses, you nodded. It was a mess, a small one-bedroom overflowing with bookshelves, plants and mismatched art. The walls were all different colours, some a pale yellow, other walls blue or purple and some a sandy brown but you pulled it all together with bright vintage furniture and brightly colored oak tables and chairs. "It's cool, I love the colour scheme." He said wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Thanks, it took a while to come together but I think I like the final piece." he nodded in agreement and proceeded to continue to kiss him, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, running your hands over his muscly biceps. He slipped a hand under your shirt making his way towards the waistband of your jeans. You two never had, you know, done it before but your first date earlier that night was pretty successful and you might've had one too many glasses of wine. You easily slipped out of your cashmere sweater slowly pulling him towards your room. You were a little too tipsy and invested in Matt's tongue to notice the knocking at your door as you shuffled towards your room, without warning your door creaked open revealing a tired and slightly dishevelled Spencer Reid. "SPENCER!" you screeched pushing away from Matt, scrambling for your shirt "WHAT THE FUCK SPENCE? EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?" You pushed Spencer into the hallway, storming after him.

"I- I'm sorry Y/N, I- I didn't know you had, uhm- company-" He stammered shoving his hands, nervously into his pockets. Matt appeared behind you "Uh- look man, I'm sorry, I'll go- I- I just wanted to apologize to Y/N, I was kind of an asshole on Monday and uh-"

"Who the hell is this?" Matt said rather aggressively. You stood, conflicted between the two men you cared for most. "Y/N?" You didn't respond, wrapping your arms around yourself, "fuck this. I'm going, I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." Matt grabbed his bag and coat off the floor behind you and shuffled past you and Spence, disappearing into the elevator. 'so he gets mad easily' you mentally noted about Matt.

"Y/N, I'm so so so sorry- I- I shouldn't have come here, I- I didn't mean to ruin your night with, uh-" Spence searched for your eyes but you stared down at the hardwood floors, refusing to look at his face because if you did you knew you would melt and forgive him immediately, you were a little too angry for that.

"It's fine, Spence," you said after a long silence "thanks for coming to apologize, next time just leave if I dont answer the fucking door, okay?" You heard a muffled yep from Spence and you watched as he turned towards the elevators. "Spence, you know that I lov-" You looked up hoping to be met with his soft hazel eyes, but he was gone.


So.... THOUGHTS???? Idk if this is good or not but I'm kind of liking the storyline. 👁👄👁

(spencerreidxreader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora