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Your hands shook as you grasped them behind your back. Emily combed a piece of hair behind your ear as JJ dusted some blush onto your face. "You look so beautiful Y/N," Penelope gasped as you spun around in the mildew covered hallway "Spencer is a lucky, lucky man," Emily crossed her arms over her chest, leaning against JJ in a black pantsuit. All the women looked lovely, and all the men looked great, although they were in the main chapel already. "Garcia, you ready?" Hotch popped his head into the hallway, Pen nodded gesturing at the speaker she brought. Hotch paused looking you up and down.
"you look amazing," he smiled before turning around. The girls laughed "what?" you begged.
"Hotch has a little crush," Penelope giggled. You rolled your eyes, "I'm hoping that Spence has a crush on me too," you teased pulling at the hem of your dress. Everyone one laughed but you couldn't help but feel a pit of nervous angst bubble up inside of you, you wanted to marry Spencer, you loved him with your whole heart but for some reason you still felt scared. Emily reached out, taking your hand in hers "you two love each other, Y/N, there will be bumps in the road, sure, but I know you too are meant to be," You wrapped Em in a tight hug breathing in her perfume. "I love you guys," You whispered. They all nodded, repeating the phrase back to you. JJ and Penelope linked arms turning the corner to walk down the chapel isle, organ music blasting from Penny's speaker. Em turned to you, extending her arm in a loving manor, you linked yours through hers and slowly turned the corner, you looked around at Spencer's team, your family, they were all admiring you in your elegance, Rossi, Hotch, JJ and Penny all sat in the front row smiling warmly at you, Derek stood next to Spence as his man of honor, patting his back in a congratulatory sense as you neared him, Emily slip her arm out from yours taking her place on the left of the small platform as your maid of honor, there was no ivy covered alter but there was was a silver one covered in faded white garlands, it seemed magical with Spence standing under it, his eyes brimmed with tears as he watched you approach him. Hotch stood up from the front row coming to stand between you, apparently he was in fact ordained. The music faded as Spencer extended his hand out to you helping you up the steps to the podium, grasping your hands tightly in his. You both turned to Hotch as he began speaking.

"We gather hear today to celebrate the union of two people, two people I love very dearly, two people who despite everything have found each other and stayed by each other. It's not often that a person finds this kind of love in the world, and it's not often that you see a perfectionist like Spencer Reid getting married at a chapel next to a strip club at 7:30 am on a Saturday but, here we are, in the most beautiful of circumstances. Now I know you too might not have anything prepared but is there anything either of you would like to say?" You nodded and everyone's eyes fell on you.

"Spencer, I met you four years ago when I moved to DC, I looked at apartments everywhere and by some
crazy chance I moved into yours, in fact the one directly below yours. We started off as friends but that quickly escalated into one of the deepest most loving friendships I've ever been a part of, even after that kiss in the dark after a shitty week, we have always been best friends. You saved my life and no matter how hard things get I'll always want to be here, for you, for our family," you scanned the room smiling at all the loving faces "I love you Spencer Reid, I love you with my entire soul and being and I would do anything to spend the rest of my life with you," you stared longingly into Spencer's hazel eyes, a deep and loving smile setting in on both your faces.

"and Spencer? Do you have anything?" Hotch asked after a small pause. Spencer nodded, nervously combing one of his hands through his long hair. Everyone's eyes were now on Spencer, he hated it but you could tell he didn't care as much with you standing in front of him.

"Y/N, everyday I think about how lucky I am to have someone in my life as smart, as funny, as caring, and as beautiful as you. I don't know where I would be without you, you make me feel whole and, unlike some people in this room, you don't don't criticize my coffee dependency," everyone let out a light hearted chuckle "you're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and every day I fall even more in love with you, and I hope I never stop falling, because god Y/N every breath you take is a blessing. I love you, I love a thousand times over and I will love you until the end of infinity, I would walk to the ends of the earth for you and I hope you know that I love you more than anything, and I might not always be there right when you need me but know that it kills me inside when I can't, you'll always be mine and I will gladly always be yours." You felt warm tears pool in your eyes as he smiled awkwardly as if he'd just asked you to a middle school dance "and I know that sometimes you have a hard time falling asleep, and you love crappy pop music and hugs, and I know when you're sad you like listening to sad songs so you can cry and I know that when you're angry all you really need is a someone to hold you, and I hope that you feel safe in my arms, I hope I can be your safe space, your shield from the world." You felt harsh embarrassment flood you as you began to sob in front of everyone, you quickly whipped away the tears but you felt another round fall down your cheeks.
"That was beautiful," you whispered. Even Aaron had a shiny gloss coating his eyes.
"Do you Y/N Y/L/N, accept Spencer Walter Reid to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" Aaron turned to you.

"I  do," You were barley speaking loud enough for everyone to hear.

"And do you, Spencer Walter Reid accept Y/N Y/L/N to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" He echoed the words back to Spencer.

"I do," Spencer smiled shakily. Everyone held their breath as Hotch said the best part of every fairytale story "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss," You almost too quickly cupped Spencer's face with your hands pulling him into you, he pulled your waist against him, kissing you deeply as if you were falling in love all over again, the rest of the world seemed to fade in that moment, it was just you and the man you loved. Your best friend.

"Till death do us part," you whispered against his lips.

"Till death, Mrs.Reid." 

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