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A/N idfk what's up with the formatting for the first part pls ignore also ty for 2k reads, ILYSMMMM 😩😩🥰

The next few days were tough. You barely talked to Spencer, besides the occasional yes or no and good morning as he kissed you on your forehead. You felt a strange sense of relief when he left on a case Sunday night. It had been suffocating trying to pretend like you were getting through it, you weren't, you felt terrible. You had nightmares, luckily Spence hadn't noticed, or so you thought. You felt like you were reliving the hostage situation, sometimes it was worse than what actually happened... if that was possible.

It was late Monday afternoon before you got out of bed, three missed calls from Spence <3 your phone screen read two texts from JJ and one missed call from Em. "Shit" you muttered you opened JJ's texts first.

Hey Y/N, Spence just told me, Em, and Penny what happened, I don't know if you wanted us to know but he said we should because we're your friends.

I'm not sure if you're awake yet but I just want you to know if you want to talk to someone other than Spencer, I'm here <3

You smiled at the messages, you loved JJ. You, her and Emily, and Penny had hung out a few times since the dinner with the team, mostly just coffee and shopping, but Emily had been urging you to go partying with them one night. You texted back

I'm working through it, when you're done with the case I might take you up on that offer.

Next, you texted Emily

hey Em, saw your missed call... if you have time you can call me back later.

Then you stared at Spencer's name, practically jumping off your screen. You couldn't ignore him now that you had responded to JJ and Emily. You shot him a simple text

Call me later.

You set your phone on your bedside table, climbing out of bed watching your reflection in the mirror, your eyes were puffy and had dark circles hanging under them. You felt both starving and hungry at the same time. Your white sweatpants were now bordering on a greyish yellow having not been washed or taken off in almost four days. You promptly walked to the kitchen making yourself a cup of coffee, you observed your reflection in the mirror, you had a tendency to despise your reflection at times, picking apart your insecurities, your hips, your stomach, your nose, your legs, your teeth, every day there was something that your mind decided to zero in on. Today it seemed to be your skin, you were breaking out, probably due to the lack of sleep and hours of worrying you sustained. You felt your hands clutching your stomach, you hadn't been ready, you hadn't wanted a. hold but now that you knew it wasn't happening, you wanted one more than ever.

"Y/N," Emily's voice drifted through the phone.
"Yeah?" you replied as you playfully brushed your hand over Spencer's chest, you sat, straddling him as he read on the couch. He had gotten home late last night, he had gotten into bed but immediately noticed you were awake. That's when you told him about the nightmares. Now he insisted he stay home with you, and at this point, you were okay with it.
"Jayge, Penny, and I are all going for drinks tonight, please come." Emily's urgency to get you to blackout with them was intriguing."We're going to Mervin's, that old place done on Main," she paused "if it's too soon for you to go back to bar, I get it." You could hear the worry in her voice.
"No I'm fine, Em, I'll come but no guys okay." You paused smiling "except Derek, Penny is bringing him isn't she?" You heard a snicker on the other end of the line.
"You'd make an excellent profiler, Y/N," she laughed.
"Oh I'm sure I would," you smirked as Spencer set his book down, resting his hands on your thighs, looking at you tentatively "So what time?"
"Eight-thirty" You nodded as Emily told you the address.
"Right, I'll see you and the girls there," You smiled "and Derek, of course" and then you hung up.

"Drinking? With the BAU ladies?" Spencer asked "that's a dangerous game," he teased. You threw your head back laughing.

"We'll see how I am when I come home shitfaced." You curled a hand through his hair, pushing the brown locks away from his face "I don't have to leave for a few hours though," You pressed a kiss to his lips. He smiled as you pulled away "also, I don't want to talk about this now but I want to get married sooner rather than later also I think I want to try for a kid after." He nodded, shrugging, he didn't even blink nor was he startled, his ability to compartmentalize was fascinating.
"That can be arranged," he said softly shading your neck, he promptly flipped you onto your back, pinning you to the couch "but for now let's make the most of the rest of the evening." He kissed you lightly on your neck, you could feel him hard against your stomach as he kissed up your jaw. You let yourself sink into the couch, surrendering yourself to Spencer fucking Reid.

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