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You cried into Spencer's chest as he held you. This nightmare was different than all the other ones you had, they had all been about what had happened, now this one, this one was just plain terrifying, no reality to any of it. "Y/N, if you don't mind my asking, what were you dreaming about?" Spence whispered into the top of your head. You shook your head, wrapping your fist around the fabric of his shirt "was there a child involved?" You nodded as he stroked your hair "was it...mine?" You nodded again, taking the sweet scent of old books and fresh pine from his shirt.

"Dr.Lopez, she killed the baby, she said I had to protect it and she shot it," you cried into his shoulder as he lay on his side, pulling you into him. "We had a baby girl, and she looked just like you," you felt his arms tighten around you "she even had your smile." You shuddered as you whispered into his chest. You sat up, not wanting to go back to sleep. "I'm gonna read for a bit, Spence, you can go back to sleep." you grabbed your copy of Anna Karanina off your bedside table. Spence lay next to you as you read, his eyes boring wholes in the ceiling. Although he said nothing you can tell he wanted to talk. "Spence, just spit it out," you rested your book in your lap as he sat up.

"I know you want to have a kid, Y/N, I do too, but I was thinking about Hotch and everything that happened with-" you snapped towards him, "Spencer-" you cut him off "stop comparing me to Aaron's dead wife." His face turned red "that's not what I was doing- I was just saying how my job is very demanding-" you shook your head "Spence, Hotch is a workaholic who always priortizd his job over his wife," Spencer crossed his arms.

"I'm going to have to leave on cases, I don't get that many breaks from work, even our married life without any kids," he sighed, resting his hand on your thigh "it would be hard." You nodded as he trailed his fingers up and down your thigh. "I know it would be hard, but Spence, I think we're overthinking this." He turned his head curiously "let's go now." He sat straight forward "Y/N, what?" You pushed yourself off the bed.
"Now, let's go now. Let's make me mrs.Reid." You walked over to your closet pulling out a soft, white, knee length dress with an open back, you trotted over to the bathroom grabbing one of Spencer cardigans on your way. "Y/N, do you really want to do this?" you spun around met by Spencer's chest.
"Yes." you said firmly looking up at him "I want this. I want you. You saved me Spencer Reid, you saved my soul, you saved my life. I want you to know how much I love you, I want you to know that come hell or high water I'm going to be here. No matter how many hours you spend facing pure evil. I'll always be here to counter it. I want us to get married now, tonight. Before something breaks that cannot be fixed by a kiss. I need a net to catch us when we fall. I need to close this space between us. for good." Spencer curled his fingers around your face pulling you into a deep warm kiss. He smiled lovingly reaching into his closet pulling a dark gray suit from the wire rack. You disappeared into the bathroom pulling on the dress and his cardigan, admiring yourself as you applied some light makeup and combed your hair. "Wow," Spence gasped as you slipped out into the bedroom "he-hello," you smiled patting his cheek. "There's a 24 hours chapel on Hammonds Street," he grinned pulling his phone from his pocket, "the team will be there in a hour." You gasped.
"They're coming?"
"what do you mean? They're our family, of course they're coming." You smiled as he said the word family for it was something you never knew too well. But now you knew, now you understood what it was like to be part of a family, what it was like to be loved for who you are. And god did it feel amazing.

You arrived at the chapel a little after 7am, the woman at the front desk looking practically dead. "Let me guess? Marriage license?" She groveled. Spencer nodded handing his and your ID over, you couldn't help but ogle as Spence stood in the dimly lit hallway filling out paper work to marry you in a 24 chapel next to an abandoned strip club. The Spence you met four years ago would never, ever even dream of getting married in a place like this, let alone to you.
"I love you," you whispered as you leaned into him, "and I'm happy we're doing this," Spencer looked up smiling at you so lovingly but also just Spencer-like, his smile was the embodiment of '(:'
You smiled back and signed the bottom of the sheets. Barely even bothering to read them, probably not the best idea but who the hell cared you were two words away from marrying the love of your life. Just then you heard a ruckus in the foyer. Penelope came racing towards you in a bright yellow dress wrapping you in a hug, followed by JJ, Derek, Emily, Hotch and Rossi. "Hey kiddo," Rossi smiled at you and Spence, "may this be your one and only marriage." You all laughed much to the dismay of the clearly hungover lady at the desk. You didn't care, this was your family.

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