-7 pt.1-

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-Spencer's POV- *TW/ making out**next chapter gets a lil spicy*

'Spencer, what are you doing-' I thought to myself as I buried my face in the top of Y/N's head, hugging her 'you can't be doing this, your job barely allows you free time, let alone time for a relationship. You saw what happened to Hotch and Haley...' I pulled away from her, admiring her, she was so..so gorgeous. I knew she was self-conscious by the way she always wore sweaters and oversized clothes but to me, she was the prettiest girl in the world. Kissing her was a privilege I never thought I would have.

I felt a strike of protective anger as she tightened her grip around my waist. I knew something as off about Matt, he was too comfortable with Y/N. When I came to apologize I could see him watching Y/N, taking note of her movements, her behaviour. A telltale sign of a psychopath. Then again, that's my job, but I only do that because.. well, to be honest, I'm not sure why I do what I do.

"Spencer..?" I heard Y/N's voice, I looked down slipping a hand under her chin, tilting her head up to look at me "Spencer, I- I don't want things to change between us, I want to- I want you to hold me and kiss me a-and all the things that friends don't do." I chuckled softly, this appeared to be Y/N's attempt at asking me out "I don't want to rush into anything if you're not ready, Spence- I-" I moved my hand up from under her chin to her cheek, pulling her slightly up, having to hunch over slightly, our lips connecting again, I didn't know what words could be used to properly express how I felt, so I showed her. Pressing our lips together, harder, more passionately, her hands tangling in my hair . Y/N let out a slight moan as I grabbed her waist pulling her into me, she was beautiful, she was smart and an incredibly good kisser. I felt her tense up as my other hand brushed over her stomach.

"You're so fucking gorgeous, Y/N, nothing could ever change that," I whispered against her cheek, I felt her shudder again against my chest. She grabbed my neck pulling me into her. Slipping her hands under my sweater, pushing it off of me. "Y/N, are you sure?" I said nervously, staring into her gorgeous bespeckled eyes. She nodded, letting her sweater drop to the floor, kissing me lightly on the lips before trailing down my neck "Y/N..." I let out a soft sigh as she brought her lips back up to mine.

"Spencer- I- want to do this... if you want to, of course," She said softly against my neck. I had dreamed of this moment since the first time she hugged me, it had been a month or so after she moved in and I had just gotten home from a traumatizing case, the one where a deranged and severely burned father blew himself up, I had almost been killed but at least we saved his daughter. I told Y/N about how the blast nearly killed me, Hotch and Morgan. She looked like she was on the verge of tears and she flung herself into my arms, practically cradling me. She loved hugs, when I wasn't on a case she would sometimes just come over to hug me, but that first one was when I learned how much she truly cared about me, I felt a connection there that I had never felt before with anyone, even the women I thought I had loved didn't even compare to what I felt with Y/N.

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