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"So, Y/N, you have to tell us what's happening with Spence," JJ leaned her head, resting it on Emily's shoulder "any wedding ideas?" You shook your head, observing the dim bar, large oak tables decorated the room and the walls were a beautiful dark green, it radiated the same energy as Spencer's old apartment. 

"I'm not sure, but I want the wedding to be soon," you tilted your head back as you finished your drink, "after that scare I want to be prepared for anything." JJ nodded signaling for another round at the bartender. "I mean, JJ, Henry was like, 5 when you and Will got married, right?"

"Yup," Emily butted in, "she and that stupid detective got married at Rossi's place," Emily smiled lovingly as she casually insulted JJ's husband. You laughed nudging Penny in the arm snapping her attention away from Derek grinding on the dancefloor. 

"What, oh sorry, Y/N," she patted your arm "he's just so," she sighed, her cheeks a bright red "anyways, what were we talking about?" Emily laughed as Penny sipped her drink, her eyes drifting back to Derek.  

"Well, where should I have the wedding, I've been looking at venues but nothing seems to work," you felt the buzz from your beer begin to kick in "I mean, you got any ideas?" JJ shrugged.

"You could always have a small chapel ceremony with just your close friends and family," you laughed as she said that "what's so funny?"

"I don't have family to invite." The three girls exchanged a look between them.

"We're sorry, Y/N." Penny smiled sympathetically, "not even a sibling?" You shook your head. The only friend you had outside of the team was Y/F/N, who you realized you had never gotten around to speaking to since you moved. You were never one for wanting or attracting large groups of people, Y/F/N had been your only friend through all of high school, you liked having friends but you also did like to keep your circle small. 

"No, just the team, and I guess I could try and reach out to my old friend but it's mostly just you guys." JJ nodded, "I mean besides Will, Henry, and Michael I mostly just have the team," She rested her head against Emily's. "I do like the idea of a small wedding, and a big part after," You sipped your beer imagining a grey and white color scheme, some light greens mixed in, a white wooden alter with ivy wrapped around it. "I'll look into it," you stared past the girls at the wall, a memory of Julian flashing through your mind. You shook your head "shots?" You asked locking back into reality. 

"Yes, definitely," Emily sighed and walked up to the bar. Derek approached the table for the first time that night "hey, baby girl," he chuckled wrapping an arm around Penelope's shoulder. "What's up, Y/N, or should I say wifey," he prodded at the ring on your finger, you giggled "I heard someone say shots?" He asked looking around, Emily waved from the bar, carrying a tray of small shot glasses filled with translucent brown liquid. Derek grinned passing the shots around, "to Y/N not having a crotch goblin!" Emily shrieked, slurring her words, JJ playfully hit her arm "Henry and Micheal are not goblins," she whined into Emily's shoulder, everyone cheered, tipping back their drinks. 


"Spence," you slurred dragging out the s sound at the end of his nickname, you pressed your phone to your ear, you had stupidly decided to decline any ride offers and were now stranded alone in a bar. "Spence, I'm scared to be alone in a bar again," you murmured into the phone "and this one guy, I think he's looking at me funny," you rambled on, blurring over your words.

"Okay, I'll be right there Y/N, you're at Mervin's?" You nodded as if Spencer could see you but he knew "do you want me to stay on the phone?" You mumbled a broken yes and sat in the corner, back facing the wall so you could survey your surroundings as you heard Spencer's breathing on the other end. You waited, for, to your drunken mind, felt like hours, several times you saw the man at the bar glance over at you. You told Spence to hurry. The man at the bar reminded you of Julian, tall, muscular. You hadn't drank this much in ages, perhaps you were drunk but you couldn't shake the feeling he was watching you. You heard the heavy glass door of the bar swing open, the mild screech causing you a pounding headache. You looked up, Spence came quickly towards you, he was wearing a grey cardigan over a white button-up and black slacks. 

"Y/N, hey, come on," he wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders, shrugging off his sweater propping it around your shoulders. You rested your throbbing head on his shoulder as he guided you out of the bar. He glowered at the man at the bar, his protectiveness igniting a swell of small butterflies in your stomach. He buckled your seatbelt and put on one of your favorite songs. "You're a good man, Doctor Reid," He smiled softly, taking his hand in yours as he drove. "Try and get some sleep, love," you laughed tiredly "and how are you supposed to get me upstairs?" You eyed him "I'll carry you," you laughed again "what was it that you were telling me you got called a while ago? pipe cleaner with eyes? Yeah, I'm sure you wouldn't make it to the garage elevator." He smirked, resting his hand on your thigh. You tried to stay awake but you found yourself lulling off to sleep. 


When you opened your eyes, you were on the floor of The Sailors Cabin, the dim bar lights casting a dark silhouette of a tall muscular person around the room. "Why am I back here?" You called anxiously, the person moved forward "Julian why am I here?" They laughed, it didn't sound like Julian, it was a woman. As the shadow moved forward, the woman was not tall or muscular, rather short and relatively petite. "Dr.Lopez?" You called, her face illuminated by the bar lights, the flashing cop sirens casting an eerie glow. "You better protect that baby," she grimaced, you look down, a small infant lay quietly in your arms, cooing occasionally. "What? This isn't my baby!" You cried, she cackled.

"Look at it Y/N, tell me that's not Spencer's child." You examined the baby, it had Spencer's nose and slightly enlarged eyes, even its little smile radiated Spencer's energy. "I- I wasn't pregnant." You sobbed, suddenly finding tears rolling down your cheeks. A gunshot echoed through the room and the baby was gone, you were alone again. "Give it back!" you screeched at the woman "give my baby back!" You pounded the floor "give me back my daughter." 

"Give me back my little girl!" You cried, your eyes fluttered open as you felt Spencer's hand gripping your shoulder, "Y/N, Y/N, it's me, it's Spencer," the way he said your name brought almost instantaneous relief. "Y/N, you don't have a little girl, Y/N, you're safe," you felt cold tears sting your eyes as you sat up, clutching your stomach. Your eyes widening as you looked at Spencer. You were wearing one of his shirts and a pair of old gym shorts. He brought you into his arms, cradling you.

"Y/N, I'm here."

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