Chapter 3

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Natalie drove the whole night, dodging cranks, and running out of water, but she was finally at the mountains. She drove through the winded roads in the scorching heat until she came to a road block.

A group of abandoned vehicles all scattered in the middle of the road ahead. "Looks like I'm on foot" she said to her self, grabbing her bag and gun before adding another abandoned vehicle to the count.

She walked through them carefully checking each one to see if there was anything useful for her to take. Not even 3 cars in and she was getting shot at.

She quickly ran behind the nearest car, ducking behind it to use as a shield as more and more bullets came. She was alone and only had a few bullets left herself, the amount of cranks she saw last night used most of them.

It got quiet after a few minutes and all the shots suddenly stopped. Just as she got up to take a look the barrel of a gun rang through her ears from beside her.

She slowly turned her head to see two girls standing there pointing a gun at her. She was terrified. She had never had a gun pointing at her before.

"Get up" the dark haired girl demanded.

Without thinking twice Natalie obliged and slowly rose to her feet, leaving the gun on the ground by her feet.

"It's okay guys it's just one girl" the blonde girl shouted as she walked over to the railing at the side of the cliff.

"What the hell" Natalie said quietly as she watched bodies emerged from the sides of the cliff. Her eyes widened as more and more people came into view, all holding guns.

"Who are you?" The dark hair girl asked still pointing her gun at Natalie.

"Natalie Jones" she replied raising her hands into the air.

The two girls looked at one another as their grip loosened on their guns. They knew that name. It was Aris' last name too.

"Come with us" the blonde girl said lowering her gun and walking through the cars. Natalie as reluctant at first but followed behind the two girls, they soon came to two trucks parked at the other side of a tunnel.

Natalie wanted to ask questions but something told her not to. The two girls felt familiar to her, like she knew them. Then she realised that it was Harriet and Sonya, the two girls that escaped from wicked with the right arm.

She had found them.

"Your Harriet and Sonya aren't you?" Natalie asked as they approached a truck. They both shot around to face her giving each other a confused look as they pulled down their masks.

"How did you know that?" Harriet asked.

"You looked after Aris in the maze how could I forget you" Natalie replied with a small comforting smile.

"We're taking you to Vince hop in" Sonya told her opening the back door of the truck.


Once they arrived at their destination Natalies eyes widened again, their was a huge camp filled with people. Walking through them all Natalie couldn't help but get uncomfortable, everyone was staring at her.

They finally came to a small tent where Natalie was met with long brown haired man with a goatee. He eyed her up and down before placing down his cup and standing to greet the girls.

"Who's this?" He asked sternly looking at the three.

"Natalie Jones she's an immune we caught her coming up the mountains" Harriet replied walking inside the tent and placing down her gun.

"Did you check her?" He asked turning his head slightly to face Harriet.

"Yup she's clear, she wasn't tagged though"

Vince opened his mouth to speak again but immediately closed it again when he heard a voice.

"No way" the short hair woman cried as she stepped out from inside the tent. Her eyes went straight to Natalie as she took in her appearance, she knew her from wicked.

Natalie examined the woman. She was familiar, it took a few seconds for her to finally realise who it was.

"Mary?" She asked as her eyes widened, without any words they both wrapped each other into a hug. After Natalies mum died Mary took her and Aris in and raised her like her own. The others look at the pair with furrowed brows as they took in what was going on in front of them.

"You know her?" Vince asked as the two pulled away smiling.

"Yes I do. This is Natalie Jones. She's Jansons daughter" Mary replied still smiling. Mary left wicked a couple of months ago and Natalie hadn't seen her since. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't take it anymore. He sent Aris into the maze and I couldn't watch him go through it....I'm here because I want to get the rest out" Natalie replied, her face dropping from a smile to a sad expression.

The memories of what she had seen through the years had all came flooding back.

"Wait you know Aris?" Sonya asked stepping forward towards Natalie.

"He is my brother." Both Harriet and Sonya's face lit up slightly.

"Wait so why aren't you tagged?" Vince asked.

"He never sent me in, I'm immune so I don't know why" Natalie replied shrugging her shoulders half way through her sentence.

Natalie finished explaining everything to them. How she knew Mary, where the rest of the mazes were. Vince told her that they would go to the nearest maze tomorrow and try and get the kids out.

Natalie was slightly upset that the closest maze was maze D and not maze A. But it was still going to get them away from wicked.

The three girls sat by the fire and got to know each other.

"So tell me what was Aris like in the maze" Natalie asked taking a sip of water from a metal cup. The metal was cold on her lips, sending one big shiver over her body.

"He was so sweet. You should have seen him" Harriet replied with a laugh.

"He hadn't even been there a full day and he was already helping us with periods and cramps. Once we told him what they were of course" Sonya added with another chuckle causing us all to laugh.

It filled Natalie with joy hearing them say such nice things about her brother. He was always so helpful, but way to mischievous. Through out their childhood Aris would drag Natalie out of bed and they would sneak through the halls of Wicked to steal things.

Another times he would just want to go out to see the stars. A tear ran down her face thinking of the memories with him. She was determined to get him away from their dad, from wicked altogether.

Whatever it took.

Wickeds Girl (A maze runner fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя