chapter 18

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Natalie was busy packing away her belongings from her sent when she received an unexpected visit from Sonya and Harriet, both wearing large smiles.  They were happy, but what about Natalie was yet to find out. 

"What are you two so happy about?" Natalie laughed, believing that it was most likely about something Vince had told them -which 9 times out of 10 it was- but the answer she receive caught her completely off guard. 

"Aris is here. We found him" Sonya beamed, jumping slightly like a child getting their own way. 

Natalie froze entirely, the day she had been waiting for, dreaming about. It had finally came. They had found Aris, he was alive, he was safe. Natalie couldn't hide the happiness that bubbled inside her, tears of joy glistening in her eyes. 

The two girls led Natalie out and into the camp, explaining that Aris and the group had unknowingly brought a crank with them. Which shocked Natalie, she was scared of cranks they terrified her, as they would any sane person. She was also shocked that Mary believed she could help her, safe her even. To Natalie's knowledge a cure didn't exist, it was the whole reason why Jason was looking for one in the first place. 

Natalie did believe that they had found Aris, but to see the small boy in the flesh only brought tears to her eyes. There he was, he hadn't changed one bit. Possibly maybe a slight bit taller but that didn't matter. Looking at the group around him, Natalie was surprised to see Newt or even Teresa, a girl that worked for wicked. She gave off an edgy vibe, one which Natalie did not like, she would be sure to keep an eye on her. 

"Guys this is Natalie" Harriet introduced, taking a seat on a small log across from the new comers. 

Aris turned to the girl that claimed to be his sister, she was tall, had around the same hair colour as him. She looked familiar, he had definitely seen her before, but thanks to wicked that memory was taken from him. 

"Are you really my sister?" Aris asked curiously, he noticed her happy expression suddenly change, she seemed confused now, or even sad. 

It's true Natalie was sad, confused. Janson that son of a bitch had taken more of his memories from him. Before entering the maze, Natalie made sure that Aris would remember her, remember that she was waiting for him, watching him. But looking at him now, he had no idea who she was. It saddened her. 

"I'll kill him" she mumbled to herself, quietly to insure that they wouldn't hear. "I am" she nodded, taking the empty seat next to the small boy. He shifted slightly, but Natalie noticed. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable. 

"How do you have your memories?" Newt asked suddenly, grabbing her attention. 

"I wasn't put in the maze, I was like Thomas and Teresa. I was an immune kept behind to work" Newt nodded understanding her explanation, Natalie only assumed that Thomas or Teresa had already explained that. Natalie however didn't exactly explain the full story, she had left small detail out. 

Day soon turned into night and Natalie had got to catch up with her brother, he seemed more relaxed around her now. She had also got to know the others in the group, even checking up on the girl that was infected. She was looking surprisingly better, whatever Mary had gave her had worked. But who knew how long for?

Walking out of the medical tent, Natalies eyes scanned the camp. Sonya and Harriet were around one fire talking with Aris, while the others from maze A sat around another. In that moment, Natalie decided she was repay Sonya for finding Aris, the opportunity was there after all. 

"Come with me, I want you to meet someone" she whispered to the blonde girl. Confused, Sonya never asked any questions and followed Natalie, a large smile on her face. 

The pair took a seat with the other group, interrupting their conversation. The boys stopped, all eyes turning to the girls, they seemed to be just as confused as Sonya. 

"Son this is Newt" Natalie finally spoke, Sonya and Newt shared a confused look with each. 

"Natalie we already introduced ourselves" Sonya spoke back in a confused tone. Natalie only laughed, looking at her with wide eyes as if the answer was obvious. All the confusion then washed away from the blonde girl, she recalled back to the day she nearly died. The day Natalie had told her she had a brother, this was him. Newt was her brother. 

"Y-you don't mean-" Sonya stuttered, overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions, tears blurring her vision. The people in front of her becoming a blur.   

Natalie nodded while smiling, "yes Sonya....Newt is your brother" she reassured her, letting her know that it was true. 

Newt turned to the others in the group, shocked, and questioning if he should trust this new person. The stories she had told them did sound real, the fact that she knew about Thomas and Teresa working for wicked, the fact that she knew about Aris when he didn't. It all did seem to add up. 

"Your telling me I have a sister? And she's right there?" He asked, receiving a nod in return from Natalie. Unfortunately Natalie never got a chance to explain anything else, the sound of helicopters echoed through the camp. She never got a chance to react before the camp suddenly burst into flames, two helicopters flying overhead. 

This was it, just when she had been reunited with her brother. The pair would be torn apart yet again. But Natalie wasn't going to go down easily, if she was going down....she was taking Janson with her.   

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