Chapter 14

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She had to do it. There was no turning back, she wasn't going to allow him to ruin this. No matter how much this would break her.

Natalie kicked the sand with each step, her mind flooding with different possibilities of what she was about to do. Would it help? Would he be killed? She didn't want to be the fault of someone's death. That wasn't who she was.

"Vince? Mary?" She spoke softly from outside of the tent. Though it was the middle of the night, she could still hear their voices inside, a shadow coming to greet her.

"I must tell you something" looking back at Vince for a moment, Mary moved aside to let the young girl inside.

Natalie stayed silent for a second, debating on whether to tell them or not. But no matter what her mind wanted, her gut told her the opposite. "Always follow your gut" her mother used to tell her, so that's exactly what she done.

"I know who has betrayed us, who lead wicked to our camp" she began, Vince sitting upright in his bed. "I overheard a conversation with Janson coming from a walkie-talkie the other night"

"Who Natalie? Who's tent?" Vince asked in comforting tone, though deep down he was furious.

"Parker" Natalie sighed.

Mary and Vince shared a look, they knew Natalie wouldn't be so anxious if this was a lie. It had to be true, she was practically trembling. Vince on the other hand, was like a volcano about to erupt. Anger coursing through his veins.

After all Vince had done for him through the years, taking him in, providing him with safety. And this is how he repays his kindness? By siding with the enemy. Almost parting him with another of his daughters.

Ignoring Mary's protests of leaving it till morning, Vince stormed out of the tent towards the traitors. His gun hanging tightly in his grasp by his side, ready to use it if needed. Natalie and Mary wasting no time in following.

The tent was dark, the only sound from inside was the sound of Parker's breathing. He sounded peaceful, which Natalie couldn't understand. How could he sleep at night? Knowing what he had done.

His sleep was soon interrupted by Vince throwing the handle of his rifle into his face. A large groan of pain escaped his mouth as his body shot upright, holding his nose.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted, turning on the small fire lamp from beside him. The light illuminated the three faces in the room, the blood now visible on his face. His nose was broken for sure.

"You have some explaining to do Parker?" Vince asked angrily, his eyes burning through the man in front of him.

Everything went down hill from there, the walkie-talkie went off in the complete wrong time. Jansons voice rasping threw the machine, Parker's face dropping completely. He was fucked and he knew it.

"Vince I can explain" Parker tried, his hands in the air. However he wasn't looking at the person he spoke to, No. His eyes were focused on the frightened girl in the back.

Natalie never knew what was going to happen to him, her thoughts making the anticipation worse. She had never seen Vince so angry, he scared her. His nostrils flared as Parker tried to explain himself, but she knew no excuse would be good enough.

"After everything I have given you Parker" Vince began as he paced back and forth in frustration. "This is how you show your gratitude"

Parker never replied, just sat silently with his head hanging low. He knew he had done wrong, the walkie-talkie still going only making him feel more guilty.

Angrily, Vince took hold of the small machine. Silencing the noise that admitted from it by crushing it with his foot, the sand covering it slightly. He contemplated on what to do with him, normally they would only kill the infected. Which Parker wasn't.

After a while a silence he finally came up with his punishment. "You will be banished at sunrise, enjoy the scorch" he said blankly, leaving the tent, Mary along with him.

"Nat-" Parker tried but Natalie was quick to shut him down. Her emotions taking over.

"Don't Parker. Don't" she said softly, shaking her head in disappointment. She slowly walked over to him, sitting next to him on the bed. She loved him, she knew that now. Losing him was something that life wanted her to overcome, which she would.

Hating the decision she was making, she kissed him softly. She would never kiss another man after that, she wouldn't allow herself to go through that pain again. He happily kissed her back passionately, not wanting it to end.

"I wish you the best Parker, maybe Janson will hire you" she stated before leaving him alone with his own thoughts.

Tears streamed down her face as she flopped onto her bed, sobbing at the heartbreak. She was never shown love before, she never knew how to love. But she knew she loved him, it was a feeling she was unfamiliar with. And as expected, love hurt her.

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