Chapter 13

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Natalie couldn't sleep that night. Her fathers voice rung through her mind all night. Haunting her. She knew exactly who's tent it was. She knew exactly who had betrayed them. Yet she couldn't bring herself to confront him, even breath a word to him.

Why would he do it? Why would he risk it all to side with wicked? He must have had a reason. But whatever it was, Natalie didn't care. She had almost lost Sonya, she wasn't willing to put anyone else's lives at risk. Except her own.

If it came to it, Natalie would sacrifice her self to save her family. Not just Aris, but Vince and the right arm. They had been more of a family to her then her own father. She wanted nothing more to do with him. He meant nothing to her anymore.

She paced around her tent many times that night, she had lost count after 100. No matter how many situations she had come up with in her head, none seemed good enough to risk the safe heaven. To risk freedom.

Free from wicked. Free from the flare. Free from the scorch. That's all anyone could want. So why didn't he?

She wanted to be the one to ask him why. But she would only want to kill him.


Natalie sat with her head rested in her hands as she watched the day go by. Many of right arms recruits doing there own thing, training, making this evenings food. They all had a part to play.

Sonya was up and about more, which made Natalie happy. But her mood never changed since she heard the conversation. She was down, worried even. Wicked had found them once, they could find them again.

"Natalie are you okay dear?" Mary asked crouching down before the girl. Anyone could tell Natalie had something on her mind, it was clear to see. She wasn't as happy and bubbly as she always was.

Natalie looked into the kind eyes of her mother, she truly was worried. Natalie hated upsetting Mary, she was the nicest and most caring woman. She put others before herself, which others wouldn't normally do.

"Mhm" was all she responded. She didn't know how else to, she couldn't tell her, she knew it would end badly.

"I know you Natalie, something is obviously wrong" she said softly, placing a comforting hand on her knee. Natalie gave her a small smile, though the tears threatened to fall.

She wanted to tell her, she really did. Vince would kill him, banish him. Natalie knew it. And she knew it would break Mary, and that's something she wished to never happen.

Mary eventually let it go, wishing she would tell what was bothering her eventually. Which would have to happen, she couldn't let him get away with what he had done. He could bring wicked to them at any moment.

Mary had informed Vince and the girls that Natalie wasn't acting herself. Even they wished to be there for her, especially Sonya. After saving her life, letting her know she had family out there, it's the least she could do.

As the darkness fell and the day had been replaced by night, Natalies mood lifted slightly. Thanks to Vince.

During dinner, he had told the girls the story of his daughter. Natalie could tell he missed her, his voice broke through the story as he got upset. She was only young when they took her, Natalie wished she could tell him she was still alive. But she just as in the dark as him.

She seemed like such a nice girl, she could have grown to be beautiful, intelligent. But wicked had stripped all knowledge from them. The girl could be out there somewhere, alone, frightened. And they couldn't do anything to help. It broke Natalies heart.

"And that's why, you girls now mean the world to me" Vince said pulling the three young girl into his embrace. "Because you are now my daughters, and I love you"

Though Harriet and Sonya was smiling at his statement, a tear fell from Natalies eye. She couldn't keep the secret from him any longer. Not when his happiness was at stake.

Seeing the man walk around the camp as if nothing had happened, caused Natalie to become angry. All of their life's were in his hands, and yet he had the audacity to come to Sonya's aid after he caused her nearly die.

She would not allow it to happen again. If she had to she would put a bullet between his eyes her self.

Even if she loved him.....

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