Chapter 6

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Natalie woke up early the next morning to the sound of people shouting from outside of her tent. Rubbing her eyes open she slowly got up, letting out a small yawn as she left her tent.

She walked out to see Vince arguing with another one of the men from the right arm. She couldn't quite hear exactly what they were saying but it sounded serious.

Both her and Mary rushed over to them to try and resolve the situation. They placed their selfs in front of the two men to try and separate them.

"Vince enough!" Mary shouted pushing him away from the other man. Only once has Mary ever seen Vince act like this and that was when Janson took his child. Emma.

She was only a kid just like the rest of them. He hasn't seen her since. Didn't even know if she was still alive.

Mary's voice echoed through his head over and over until eventually he calmed down. She took him back into her tent to try and get him to explain while Natalie decided to get ready for the day a head.

They were heading to Maze A today, the last of the mazes. Packing her bag and riffling her riffle, Natalie was met with the girls blocking the ray of sun from her face.

"Ready to go Nat?" Harriet asked looking down at her as she threw her own gun over her shoulder.

"Ready as I'll ever be" Natalie replied with a fake smile as she rose to her feet. She knew that they wouldn't find any survivors, only more dead bodies.


Their journey was long, because they left so late they would have to stay the night out in the scorch. Fighting with cranks and the heat of the sun the entire night.

Maze A was located deep in the desert, in the middle of no where, nothing but miles of desert to surrounded it.

The metal doors opened with a loud shriek as they walked in. Natalie's eyes immediately scanned the room, yet again there was more bodies scattered.

Her eyes suddenly fixed on a small curly haired boy laying on the floor, his shirt was unsaturated with blood.

Natalie's eyes started to water at the sight of the small boy, he had to be around 14, he was a kid. It just reminded her of Aris.

Just as a tear fell she felt a hand wrap around her shoulder. Looking up she was met with Vince, he had a sad expression as he looked down at the boy.

"Horrible people...killing innocent kids" he mumbled before instructing one of the men to cover up the body.

"Hey Nat come over here" Sonya called from one of the computers, Natalie obliged and the pair walked over.

On the monitor in front of them was the CCTV of the room, there was survivors. Lots of them. Natalie squinted her eyes at the screen, trying to identify them.

"Omg" she mumbled as her eyes fell onto the Sandy blonde she had seen so many times at floor A. Newt.

A gun shot on the screen caused Natalie to slam her eyes shut as she looked away. Seeing the body of the small boy fall to the floor was too much for her.

They watched wickeds men drag away the survivors, out the door they came in. Just as they went to leave Vince's harsh voice pulled their attention back to the screen.

With furrowed brows Natalie watched as masked men pulled away one of the survivors bodies, surprisingly still alive. But these weren't wickeds men.

"Lawrence you son of a bitch" Vince growled as he ran his hands down his face in frustration.

"Who is that?" Natalie asked looking at him.

"Their Lawrence's men, another group against wicked" Vince explained walking over to the other side of the room to look at the small boys body.

You could tell there was a struggle with the missing body, from the CCTV it looked like he was the one that shot the boy.

Searching the rest of the room Natalies face filled with joy when she came across the small usb that held all the information.

"Vince! We have eyes" she shouted as she got into the chair in front of the monitor and booted up the system.

She flicked through the files and found out that the small curly haired boy went by the name of Chuck, and his killer Gally.

Searching through the rest her smile dropped into a frown when the computer started playing up, all different colours splayed on the screen, covering any useful information they needed.

"Shit!" She shouted slamming her hand onto the table with force as she walked away from the computer, her hands running down her face in confusion.

Unsure of what to do Vince decided to leave the USB, the two boys they did have information on were dead, or going to be dead.

With another scan of the room Vince made the decision of calling off the search. There was nothing here.

Natalie stood leaning over a table, rocking her body back and forth in anger and frustration. She could have saved them, Chuck could have survived.

She blamed herself for not being fast enough.

She couldn't save any of them....and it killed her. Natalie could imagine all the horrible things her father was doing to all those kids.

Sonya and Harriet took the right arms men out of the room and back into the scorch while Vince had a chat with Natalie. It hated seeing her so upset, he knew she was beating her self up on the inside.

"Don't blame your self Natalie...this is wickeds doing not yours" he reassured her pulling his daughter into his embrace.

She wished she could believe his words...she tried so hard to, but she couldn't. Deep down she was part of this.

"I was on the other side of that screen Vince. I watched them....I could have stopped all this from happening" her voice broke as she spoke, the tears falling at the memories.

"Maybe....but I know that either way when it is your time, it's your can't escape death Nat, it's inevitable" Vince told her.

She knew he was right and his kind words help her, but only slightly. For as long as she lived all the deaths of those kids in the mazes would haunt her.

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