Chapter 20

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"Go, they don't want you" Natalie told Jorge and Brenda, who shared a look with one another, asking if they should of not. After a few minutes of stone cold silence between them, the only sound being the faint voice of Teresa attempting to explain herself, Brenda handed Natalie her loaded rifle.

"It will do more damage then that will" She smiled, grateful for her generosity Natalie pulled her into a hug of gratitude.

"It was great meeting you" Natalie said softly, watching as the two disappeared into the darkness of the night. She never knew if she would ever meet them again, but she could only hope she would.

Turning back to the task at hand, Natalie let out a breath for confidence, before pulling herself onto her feet. Slowly and quietly, not trying to be caught just yet, she walked her way through the bodies on the ground. It saddened her momentarily, most of the corpses were probably people she grew up with. And the other half were people who grew to be here family.

"Load them in lets go" Ava spoke in her strange calm voice, that Natalie couldn't help but loath immensely.

Feeling as if it would be a great time to announce her presence, Natalie finally spoke up once close enough. "I don't think so" she argued, all attention suddenly now on her. Janson was shocked to see her, even Ava was. They hadn't seen her since she had left unexpectedly, and clearly she wasn't happy about seeing them.

"Hello Natalie" Ave greeted innocently, rage coursed through Natalie's veins like venom. She was furious, way to angry to even contemplate on listening to Vince and Mary's pleads to stand down. They had a reason to be scared for her life, they knew how ruthless Janson was. He wouldn't be afraid to take the life of his daughter, he had killed his wife without any reaction. What makes Natalie any different?

"Let then go Ava" Natalie demanded, slowly walking closer to them. Brenda's rifle clutched under her chin, pointing at them threateningly.

However Ava never replied, she stayed silent while Janson finally made himself known. He looked at his daughter, a smirk on his face while he watched her 'attempt' to be heroic. He found it funny, he knew she wouldn't use the gun. But he was far from right.

"We both know you won't use it" He smirked, walking in front of a group of guards. How Natalie wished to punch him, to wipe that smile clean from his face. All around them stayed quiet, some worried, some scared. But all wishing to see how this was going to play out.

"Hello Dad" Natalie spoke sternly, her words filled with hatred. A few gasps came from the crowd, mostly the group that had recently came, including Aris. If he was Natalies dad, that would make Janson his as well. Possibly, their mother could have had an affair, which Aris prayed was true.

The gasps would soon grow, no one expected what Natalie did next. With every bone in her body filled with hate, Natalie gripped harder onto the rifle. Wishing to never have to run from or fear Janson ever again, she suddenly pulled the trigger. The gun shot sounding like a sweet melody to her ears as she watched the shocked body of Janson fall the ground.

A riot broke out after that, many of the captured people running frantically once more. But this time, instead of running from the wicked men, they were running towards them. However Natalie's attention remained on the crawling body of her dad, attempting to make it to the large ship for safety.

Janson stopped once he seen Natalie's feet beside his body, his blood stained hands attempting to stop the bleeding from the gunshot wound in his torso. Natalie didn't regret her decision, nor did she feel bad. This was all she had dreamed of doing the day her mother had died by his hands.

"Natalie please, I'm your f-father" Jansons words gargled slightly at the end of his sentence, the blood now pouring from his mouth. Staining his lips a soft shade of pink. For the first time in her life Natalie was seeing Janson scared, terrified almost.

Natalie bent down, the wind from the ship blowing through her hair as Ava Paige made her escape, leaving Janson behind. She looked straight into his cold eyes, letting him know the words she was about to speak were true.

"A father wouldn't have did what you have" And with that, Natalie pulled out the small shot gun she was given earlier and pulled the trigger. The limp body of Janson falling to her feet, her eyes still tightly shut.

Quietly, Vince and Mary approached the girl, both hugging her from behind. Knowing that deep down, Natalie had loved him once, killing her father took all the strength she had. More and more came towards them, witnessing the entire thing. They all gave her a hug for comfort.

Eventually Natalie let out a long sigh, a threat had been destroyed. They were safe....for now at least.


I hope you enjoyed the story! Make sure to follow my instagram for updates on future stories. @JadieMxo

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