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Drew was leaning against the kitchen counter while Maddie and Chase stood on the other side, in the actual kitchen.

"There's the girl," Maddie smiled at me.

"Hi," I said shyly looking at Drew who had a nice pair of jeans on and a button up shirt with thin blue stripes on it.

"Hi," he smiled back, "Well our reservations are at six so we should get going"

I nodded. We headed to the door ready to leave.

"Have her home by 11!" Chase called.

"You got it, dad," we both called back playing along then laughing at ourselves.

We sat across from each other on the roof top of a restaurant right on the beach. We were sitting to where we could see the sand and water meet three stories below us.

"This is so beautiful," I said looking out at the water with my chin rested in the palm of my hand, my elbow on the table.

"Beautiful view for a beautiful girl," Drew smiled from across the table.

"That was just bad," I laughed turning to him.

"I know," he said laughing.

We spent the rest of dinner laughing and getting to know each other, I told stories from my collages days, including the embarrassing drunk ones. At one point the conversation got so deep I was shocked at some of the things I was telling him from when I was young.

We left the restaurant and went down to the beach. I had my shoes and socks in one hand while we walked to the water.

When we made it to the water I rolled up my jeans so they wouldn't get wet. Drew and I stood side by side for a minute.

"Do you ever wonder what's out there? Like past the pier and past those boats all the way out there?" I asked still focused on the water.

"Sometimes," he said.

"Ever since I was little I have thought that there's an underwater world full of towns and people just like us up here," I sighed, his hand softly grabbed mine, I looked down at our hands, "And that the people down there have not a care in the world, they just swim and enjoy life, they don't know pain"

"I like that," he smiled. I rested my head on his arm.

"Do you think there's a couple down there dreaming about our world?" He asked.

"Probably, but they're in for a shock when the find out how shitty it is up here," I let out a small laugh.

"It's not always shitty," he responded.

I turned to stand in front of him and took his other hand into my free one.

"Ready for this cheesiness?" I asked. He nodded with a smile looking down at me.

"It's not shitty when I'm with you," I smiled looking up at him. He let out a laugh as he took his hands off mine and used his finger to pull my chin to his face and kissing me.

Water came rushing over my feet causing me to jump away from the cold feeling. Drew let out a laugh.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me! It was cold," I defended myself, crossing my arms over my chest.

We walked along the water for awhile before we headed back to his car. The sun was slowly starting to set on our way home, we had the windows down. I rest my head on the door taking in the fresh air.

mags.lockwood has posted a story

"Cute picture," Drew said as he sat next to me on his bed

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"Cute picture," Drew said as he sat next to me on his bed.

"Thanks," I giggled.

"Why is life weird?" He asked looking over at me.

"In less the a year I have graduated college," I started counting on my hands, "Moved in with my best friend, got an amazing job, met great new people and even found someone like you," I said moving to lay my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me bringing me closer to him.

"That is pretty weird," he agreed.

to maddie pie from maggie mags

maggie mags
hey don't wait up for me,
i'm upstairs at drews,
don't know when i'll be back

maddie pie
use protection
we don't need any little
ones running around

maggie mags
omg maddie
why, just why

maddie pie
love you

maggie mags
see you in the morning

Drew and I were watching How I Met Your Mother until almost 2 am. I was laying on him the whole time, his hand drawing shapes on my back.

"Hey do you have a shirt I can borrow? This shirt is beyond uncomfortable," I said sitting up. He nodded and got up, grabbing a yellow shirt from his drawer.

"Thank you," I smiled getting off the bed and turning away from him.

"Drew?" I asked almost as a whisper.

"Mhm?" he sounded like he was turned away from me too.

"Can you come unbutton this for me?" I asked glancing behind me to find him turning around and coming towards me.

He slowly undid the buttons on the back of my top, his hands were cold on my skin. I turned around, holding the front of the shirt up, on my tippy toes I kissed his cheek.

"Thank you"


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