Chapter 16- Tournament of Heroes

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“Adam, go!” I yell as Zane releases us from the shadow world.

There’s a gust of wind as Adam zooms by me but he’s able to leap up out of the arena and back to the crowds. The crowd gasps and began to flee the arena. The fighting begins to halt as Adam rushes to untie the hostage contestants.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Ultraman booms as he begins to float out of his seat and over the arena.

“Putting an end to this once and for all,” I yell up as I leap up in the stands and began to help untie.

Ultraman glares at me before reaching onto his belt and pressing a button. “I was going to wait till after the competition but you leave me no choice.”

It’s as if everything happens at once. The ground of the arena begins to shake as a large metal cylinder begins to rise from the center of the field. The Ultraleague and other heroes, all lined up next to each other, are trapped instantly as a cage rises up from the ground and entraps them all.

I watch as they struggle but it’s useless. Even Jack, the teleporter on the Ultraleague keeps focusing in vain. Ultraman knew his team, their weaknesses, and he made it so they couldn’t get out.

“Every hero in the world gathered in one place,” Ultraman says as he overlooks the scene, “What imbeciles. Now that you’re all trapped you will be doomed once my bomb explodes, leaving me free to take over the world.”

So that’s what that large metal thing is, a bomb.

“You forgot one thing,” I yell up and Ultraman snaps to me, his eyes shooting daggers, “What about us?”

I motion to the line of heroes who we’ve released, all in their colorful uniforms.

“The last loose ends,” Ultraman says as he flies back to his seat and reclines back, “Such a waste of young talent. Anyone of you who wishes to join me will be spared, but you must prove your worth by eliminating these rebels.”

It’s the cue, all the traitors began attack. Chloe and Ethan lead the charge and it seems even more heroes have switched sides since last night. I guess when your life is in peril turning evil doesn’t seem that bad.

“Oh and one more thing,” Ultraman says, pressing a button on his belt again. Suddenly, a cage forms around Luke. It glows a strange green color and Luke immediately falls to the ground, “You have such potential and one day you will learn to follow under me. But for now you will be trapped until the fighting is over. Don’t even trying getting out. The cage is made out of pure merlonium, my one and only weakness. I had guessed that since our powers were so similar we may have the same weakness, and it looks like I guessed correctly.”

My head is flooding with information. Do I free the Ultraleague? Luke? Disarm the bomb? Take down Ultraman?

“What’s the plan boss?” Adam asks me as some girl with electricity in her palms begins sending bolts our way. We dodge to the left and I see Ricky tackle her.

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