Chapter 10- Tournament of Heroes

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The next two days we get off, and after two consecutive challenges I’m more then ready for a break.

            As soon as I wake up the first day I head other to the Hall of Heroe’s gymnasium. Like everything here it’s state of the art with tons of equipment, a giant track, and even an indoor pool. I try to get Alex to come with me but ever since the last challenge she’s been moping around and snapping at anyone who tries to communicate with her, so instead I drag Luke along.

            He watches as I tryout the various equipment, but doesn’t do anything himself. I think he’s starting to feel self-conscious. A lot of kids are sending him dirty looks since his team is doing so well. He won’t playfully lift a weight or even step foot on the track, which is a shame since Adam wants to challenge him to a race. Now that’s something I’d like to see.

            Still, it’s nice to hang out with him and have someone to keep me company.

            That night all our teams go to dinner together. Well except Natasha. Ever since she confronted me in the hall closet she’s been sneaking around. She’s worries me, but I’m sure if it’s because I’m afraid she’ll get in trouble or because I’m afraid she’s right.

            The next day I train with Zane and Adam instead. Zane’s been opening up a lot more and I find out that he has a dark, sarcastic sense of humor which nice contrasts Adam’s goofy one. We start off by practicing sparring techniques but after we find a set of over-sized plush protection gear in the equipment room it turns into a sumo wrestling free for all.

            I’m glad my team is bonding but it seems like the others aren’t doing so well. All the teams seem to be bitter and turning on one another, Alex’s team being one of the worst.

            By the time the next day comes and with it our next challenge I’m more then ready.

            We all stand again in a neat line on stage while photographers snap pictures. There are only eight teams left, which brings back some of my nerves. Zane sends me a reassuring smile, which surprisingly makes me feel better, as Ultroman walks up on stage. Today he is wearing an all white suit with a small golden pin with his symbol on his chest. His neat blonde hair is pushed back and like always he’s wearing a white mask.

            “Greetings young heroes,” he booms, “Today twenty-four young heroes stand before me. However, by the end of today’s challenge there will only be nine."

            I do the math. That means only three teams will be left. Things just got serious...

            “So let us not waste any time,” Ultraman continues with a grin, “The first team to go today will be team nine.”

            Team nine? That’s me. I start to feel butterflies in my stomach. We’re first which means everyone will be watching. I immediately shake the thoughts from my head though. I need to be strong. With one deep breath I release all my nerves. Okay, I’m ready.

            I step forward along with my teammates and am able to make out Jake, the teleporter, in the crowd sitting with the other Ultraleague members.

            His eyes go bright green and the world goes blurry. I’m used to it by now though and when I open my eyes I’m prepared for what I see.

            I’m in a city, which seems benign enough, but there’s something eerie about it. The buildings seem to jut out at weird angles, the shadows loom ominously over everything in sight, and the sky is once again a ghostly shade of red.

            And, I’m all alone.

            I look around for my teammates but it seems I’m on my own this time. For some reason it’s my solitude, not the creepy landscape, that makes me uneasy.

            I remember though what I have to do and once again I attempt to swallow my fear.

            “Your challenge begins now,” a robotic voice rings from nowhere.

            Challenge? What am I supposed to do? Are we being timed?

            I let out a groan. Looks like I’ll have to figure it own on my own. I start walking down the long streets. I’m completely and utterly alone and the world is silent.

            I’m starting to actually get bored when I see another figure on the horizon. I sprint towards it. Is it Adam? Zane?

            I’m about to reach the figure when I get a better look at it’s face and skid to a stop.

            The creature smiles sinisterly but I’m in shock, because the creature standing before me, is me.

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