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“Oh my gosh, Alex it’s you. We haven’t talked in five years,” I practically yell into the phone, jumping up on my bed.

“Course it is Dante, but you called me, remember? So what’s up?”

Her voice is calm, a little high pitched, but just how I remember it. Even though I called her I had never expected Alex to actually answer. She’s disappeared for so long I never would have guessed she’d choose now to make her reappearance. I have so many questions but first things first.

“Right, well Vigor- you remember Vigor right? Well he’s back and attacking the city and he told me he’s after you guys,” I blab.

A hear a small snort over the airway. “Vigor? He’s the big ‘threat’ you called to me about? Jeese, by the way you were selling it I thought someone had died”

Why am I the only one who takes Vigor seriously? I mean he’s a threat… right? “Yah well I figured you should know,” I grumble.

“Well thanks for the heads up,” Alex says, “But let’s face it, I’m all the way in Russia and even if he managed to find his way here what could he really do? The dude likes his fire, I’d like to see how well he stands against a little ice power.”

Russia? Did she say she’s in Russia? Which reminds me… “So Alex, where have you been exactly for the last five years?”

I’m trying to imagine Alex in a puffy snowsuit in the middle of a snowstorm and fighting Russian themed villains. She’s always liked the cold but I still can’t picture it. At least she hasn’t resorted back to villain work…

Alex pauses. “I’ve been working for a team in Moscow for a while. We do covert stuff, undercover work, you know? It’s fun, being the big shining hero at Anthem Force was fun while it lasted but it wasn’t really my thing. I only really stuck around for David but after a while I just couldn’t take it anymore.”

“Take what?” I ask.

Alex pauses again, this time much longer then the last. I almost think she’s hung up when she lets out a small sigh. “Dante, I don’t really know how to put this so I’m just going to say it. I couldn’t be with David because it was obvious that he was in love with someone else.”

I think back to junior year. Alex and David got into a huge fight and then poof, Alex left and no amount of searching could ever get me a lead again. They had been such a good couple too, going back to when they were both villains. “Well who was it?”

“It was you.”

 Me? David was in love with me? Yah right! Alex must have gotten something wrong because there was no way David liked me like that. “Alex, that can’t be right.”

Alex let’s out a low chuckle. “You still don’t see it, do you? Well you will eventually… or at least I hope so for David’s sake. I mean David was a part of my life- a good part- for a long time and yah I was angry initially but I’ve moved on and if you two like each other then that’s okay with me.”

“Alex I don’t like David,” I interrupt, “I haven’t even seen him for two years until a few weeks ago.”

“Whatever you say Dante,” she says. I can almost hear the humor in her voice. At least she’s not bitter about it anymore. “And thanks for the warning, I’ll keep an open eye.”

“What are teammates for?” I say quietly into the phone, “Don’t be a stranger Alex.”

She hangs up without another word.

I lean back in bed feeling unsatisfied. This was our grand reuniting and all Alex could do was laugh at my warning and put suggestions in my head.

But could she be right?

The Anthem Force ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now