"Best Two Out of Three?"

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I made my way up the empty fire escape to my apartment. My mom hated when I did this, she thought it was too dangerous, but then again if she only knew half the things I did.

I slid through an open window leading into my kitchen. My mom was standing her back to me cooking something on the stove.

“Hi mom,” I said, letting her know I was home.

She spun around quickly. “Dante you scared me, I didn’t even hear you come in,” she panted, one hand over her heart. She tucked a curly dark brown lock behind one ear. “Where have you been? You’re fifteen minutes late.”

“Library, you know studying,” I lied. I really hated not being able to tell her the truth but it was for her own safety, super villains weren’t above going after family and that wasn’t something I wanted to bring her into.

She suddenly gasped and I froze.

She ran over to me and grabbed my hair. “Dante you're a mess.” Whew! Only my mom would freak out over a bad hair day. I ran my fingers through my hair, I had the same dark brown hair as my mom but it was wavy instead of curly. Currently it was in a frizzy mess with the ends slightly scorched, that’s what fighting crime would do to you.

“Sorry it was uh windy,” I gave her a half smile.

She shot me a suspicious look before turning back around to her meal, her small figure looking too tiny even in our small kitchen. I was more around five-eight, my mom said I got my height from my dad.

“I made spaghetti and meatballs, your favorite,” my mom said before handing me a bowl. I grabbed a fork from one of the drawers and began to scarf down my noodles.

My mom saw I had already eaten half my bowl. “Somebody’s hungry tonight.” I only nodded in between bites. Along with horrendous hair fighting crime would also leave you with an empty stomach. My mom gave me a look like she wasn’t sure whether to be happy I had such a healthy appetite or disgusted. “Well I hate to leave when you just got home but I have to be at the hospital at nine.”

I put down my empty bowl. My mom worked the night shift as a nurse so I barely saw her on weeknights. It was convenient when I needed to be somewhere for Anthem Force things but sometimes it sucked always being alone.

“Yah I’m sorry I’ll try to be home earlier tomorrow,” I smiled as I started to wash my plate in the sink.

“Try?” my mom asked in a stern tone.

“I’ll be home to earlier tomorrow,” I corrected myself.

My mom kissed me on the forehead. “Good, love you Dante.”

My mom grabbed her purse and headed out the door. “Love you too Mom,” I said before the door slammed behind her.

I grabbed my history textbook and went to my room to study. I took off my sweats and changed into a pair of striped pajama shorts. I had already changed from my Anthem Girl costume on my way back- I wasn’t that stupid to show up at home in my full uniform.

Plopping onto my bed, I postponed my studying for a moment to admire my view. I had it positioned so that the window was right behind my headboard and even though I lived in a crummy apartment I had a great view. The Anthem City skyline was visible in the distance and you could even see a part of the ocean if you looked in the right place. Anthem City was located in an island, surrounded by sea on all sides, and only connected to the mainland by two bridges on either side.

I squinted my eyes, trying to find the bank in the blur of skyline. After a few minutes I gave up and went back to studying, but not before cracking open my window so there would be a breeze.

"What are you reading?”

I let out a yelp as I jumped off the bed and onto the floor at the voice. I stumbled back on my feet and into a fighting stance out of instinct.

Luke, who was currently hovering outside my window, started cracking up.

“You jerk,” I screamed, crumpling up a piece of paper from my desk and throwing it at him out of anger.

He caught it effortlessly and threw it back into my room. It landed perfectly in the waste basket. Of course.  “You should have seen your face,” he laughed.

I rolled my eyes. “Get in here before somebody sees.”

“Nobody’s going to notice.” Luke’s shaggy chestnut hair fluttered around his face in the wind. Luke was attractive to say the least with his perfect muscles and sea green eyes apparent even behind his mask. I could easily see why he had such a huge fan base. It seemed like every girl in Anthem was in love with the city’s masked hero; and if it wasn’t Luke it was Ricky or Brian.

“Yah nobody will notice the flying person outside my window,” I said sarcastically, “Don’t you think it would be a little suspicious if Super Kid is seen talking to me.”

“True, fine let me in.” I reached over to fully open the window and Luke floated in. I sat up so he could sit on my bed next to me. He picked up my textbook and scanned the page I was reading. “The Annexation of Texas, very interesting stuff.”

“Oh yah never a dull moment in U.S. history... Not to be rude or anything but why are you here?"

Luke chuckled at my bluntness. “I just wanted to make sure you got here ok.”

“I fight crime on a regular basis, I think I can take a bus ride home without getting into too much trouble."

“Yah, I just-,” he paused for a second, looking into my eyes, “I worry about you Dante.”

“Well don’t, I can handle myself,” I smiled. His concern was unnecessary but I still found it sweet. Then, an idea popped into my head. Before he could react I lunged at Luke, pinning him against the wall.

          “See I can even take the mighty Super Kid in a fight.” I teased. Luke rolled his eyes, he hated when anyone ever bragged about his powers.

         "That's not fair you took my by suprise." His body blurred and before I knew it I was the one pinned to the wall. Luke smirked, obviously pleased with himself.

          “Stupid super speed-,” I struggled trying to kick and punch my way out but it was no use and with each of my attempts Luke’s smile only got bigger. “-Stupid super strength.”

          Finally I gave up. The room fell silent except for my heavy breathing, Luke of course was never out of breath, just another one of the many benefits of his powers. That’s when I noticed that his face was only inches from mine. He reached up and brushed a loose strand of hair away from my face. I felt my heart race as his hand continued down to stroke my cheek. His other hand looped around my back, pulling me closer to him.

"So... best two out of three?" I chuckle nervously as I pull away.  Luke was my best friend, what was I doing? I couldn’t believe myself because for a second there I had almost wished he had kissed me. Friends didn’t kiss… right? 

          “I wish I could but I half to get home or Lisa will worry.”

          I nodded. Luke lived in on the north side of town, in a nicer area, but sometimes I wished he lived next door so I could see him more often.

          Luke went and sat on the windowsill, “See you Dante.” He dropped down and I went up to the window to see him fly off.  I watched his silhouette zoom over the tops of buildings until he disappeared over the skyline.



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