No Man's Land

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"But heroes do more than simply inspire us. Heroes make things look easy. Making it look easy convinces us to want to be just like them."


 It seems like I've been doing a lot of running lately, physically and metaphorically. I've been running from my past, running from my fears, and now it's all found a way to catch up with me. And of course I am literally running downtown to save the city (another thing I've been doing a lot of lately) from my superpowered, mind-controlled friends. All this with a broken wrist, a few deep cuts, and a terrible image of whatever happened to Vigor.

It’s times like these where I really just want to stop running. Why is it my job to save the day? Why is it always on my shoulders? And when does it finally stop?

I think a lot of heroes struggle with this. If you have the power to help someone, do you? Even if it gets in the way of your own happiness?

I used to think that I would always be a hero no matter what but lately, lately I’ve felt like I’ve paid my dues. Maybe it’s time to hang up the cape… well that is if I even get out of this alive.

There is one final battle, one big showdown, and once again it’s up to me to save the day.

And it’s a burden I’m used to carrying.

“Go on a nice jog, did you boss?” Keith yells to me as I run up into the battlegrounds. Everything around me seems to be in destruction as pairs of heroes fight one another. Keith dodges a stray piece of debris (maybe a smashed car?) as a bead of sweat runs down his face, “Because if you haven’t noticed we’re all fighting for our lives! What did you even do anyways?”

Ah ye of little faith. If only he knew I just took down the whole mastermind of this little operation, but of course the battle isn’t over. “I took care of business,” I yell back, “Now quick, see the patches on the back of their necks? We need to find a way to rip them off and they’ll quit fighting.”

That was what Brian said. Turn off the controller, take off the patches. It’s the only way to stop them.

“Easier said then done,” David shouts as Alex sends a flurry of icicle spikes his way. David does a flip backwards; shooting small explosion pellets her way mid air. What a show off…

I spot the real grand fight: Luke and Andy. The two are flying high in the sky, shooting themselves at each other and rebounding back. It sounds like thunder every time they hit. Andy’s holding her own, barely, but she’s still alive which is good considering she’s the only one who can hold back Luke.

“I got her left!” I shout to David as I swing my bar at Alex’s side, putting myself into the action. She twists to face me and sends a mist of ice my way.

I manage to jump out of the way, only a sliver of sleet forming it’s way on my shoulder. David takes the opportunity to reach up and with lightning fast reflexes pulls the patch off of Alex.

She freezes mid swing, her eyes darken back to normal as comprehension floods back to her. “Wh-what’s happening?” she says sleepily as she looks around. Suddenly her knees buckle under her weight and she falls foreword. David manages to catch her and set her lightly on the ground.

Woohoo! It worked!

“I explain later,” I say to her, “But right now just lay low.”

Alex nods as her eyes droop back to sleep. Alright, one down three to go.

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